Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-Web-Auth
0.17 2019-04-21T15:08:44Z
- merged PR #35. thanks Grinnz@github
0.16 2019-04-15T04:09:33Z
- modify the required version to Mojolicious >= 7.13
- merged PR #33 thanks oalders@github
- merged PR #32. thanks oalders@github
0.15 2017-07-30T02:19:21Z
- merged PR #30. thanks pablrod@github
0.14 2017-05-01T02:56:21Z
- fixed issue #29. thanks guest20@github
0.13 2017-01-19T00:50:55Z
- update pod. thanks oalders@github.
- support refresh_token and access_type(Google). thanks ccakes@github.
0.12 2015-03-02T04:03:00Z
- Minillaize
- supported Mojo::Loader::load_class (added Mojolicious 5.81)
0.11 2014-10-09T01:24:56Z
- added an authorize_header property in Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth::OAuth2 to support a Authorization Header. thanks levonet@github.
0.10 2014-09-05T13:48:41Z
- fixed to change the scheme, when the request-header has x-forwarded-proto value of "https". thanks shohey1226@github
0.09 2014-08-01 23:34:27 JST
- fixed the error handling when user has canceled authentication. thanks sachinjsk@github
- added the validate_state option in Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth::OAuth2. thanks mala@github
0.08 2014-03-24 13:24:58 JST
- fixed to support a content-type with charset. thanks uzulla@github.
0.07 2014-01-13 16:17:39 JST
- fixed deprecated method (Mojo::UserAgent#name). thanks fayland@github, battlemidget@github.
0.06 2013-11-10 12:01:22 JST
- fixed a bug where a module that is cached incompletely
0.05 2013-11-06 10:23:09 JST
- fixed support for prefork server (Hypnotoad, Starman, Starlet, etc.)
0.04 2013-05-30 09:03:44 JST
- added the dependancy of IO::Socket::SSL
0.03 2013-05-01 18:21:38 JST
- removed the dependancy of Net::Twitter::Lite
- removed the dependancy of WebService::Dropbox
- millaize
- updated the document
- added Mojolicious::Plugin::Web::Auth::Site::Instagram
- chanded to use Mojo::UserAgent::post with Mojolicious 3.85 or higher
- original version