Revision history for CGI-FormBuilder-Config-Simple

0.07 	Fri Apr 16 22:15:32 EDT 2010
	Critical Documentation Bug fixed.
	Synopsis had failed to disclose need to 
	use base 'CGI::FormBuilder::Config::Simple';
	nor to set each fieldset with: enabled=1
	Now accepting $debug_level on interface 
	of most methods, and using that to render useful feedback.

0.06 	Fri Apr 16 06:08:09 EDT 2010
	now passing a fair regression test

0.05	Sun Apr 11 00:54:37 EDT 2010
	refactoring this as a stand-alone module

0.01    February 2010, 
	early prototype developed as Politics::Supporters::Volunteer
        First version, though never released to that unsuspecting world.