package WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient; use 5.030; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Logger; use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response; use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::ResponseTemplateManager; use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::SocketConfig; use LWP::UserAgent; use Carp; use Readonly; use Data::Dumper; use Config; use POSIX; Readonly my $SOCKETTIMEOUT => 300; # 300s or 5 min Readonly my $IDX4 => 4; # Index 4 constant Readonly our $ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_OTE => ''; # OTE Connection Setup URL Readonly our $ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_LIVE => ''; # LIVE Connection Setup URL Readonly our $ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_PROXY => ''; # High Speed Connection Setup URL our $VERSION = 'v2.10.3'; my $rtm = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::ResponseTemplateManager->getInstance(); sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless { socketURL => $ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_LIVE, debugMode => 0, socketConfig => WebService::Hexonet::Connector::SocketConfig->new(), ua => q{}, curlopts => {}, logger => WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Logger->new() }, $class; $self->setURL($ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_LIVE); $self->useLIVESystem(); $self->setDefaultLogger(); return $self; } sub setDefaultLogger { my $self = shift; $self->{logger} = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Logger->new(); return $self; } sub setCustomLogger { my ( $self, $logger ) = shift; if ( defined($logger) && $logger->can('log') ) { $self->{logger} = $logger; } return $self; } sub enableDebugMode { my $self = shift; $self->{debugMode} = 1; return $self; } sub disableDebugMode { my $self = shift; $self->{debugMode} = 0; return $self; } sub getPOSTData { my ( $self, $cmd, $secured ) = @_; my $post = $self->{socketConfig}->getPOSTData(); if ( defined($secured) && $secured == 1 ) { $post->{s_pw} = '***'; } my $tmp = q{}; if ( ( ref $cmd ) eq 'HASH' ) { foreach my $key ( sort keys %{$cmd} ) { if ( defined $cmd->{$key} ) { my $val = $cmd->{$key}; $val =~ s/[\r\n]//msx; $tmp .= "${key}=${val}\n"; } } } else { $tmp = $cmd; } if ( defined($secured) && $secured == 1 ) { $tmp =~ s/PASSWORD\=[^\n]+/PASSWORD=***/gmsx; } $tmp =~ s/\n$//msx; if ( utf8::is_utf8($tmp) ) { utf8::encode($tmp); } $post->{'s_command'} = $tmp; return $post; } sub getSession { my $self = shift; my $sessid = $self->{socketConfig}->getSession(); if ( length $sessid ) { return $sessid; } return; } sub getURL { my $self = shift; return $self->{socketURL}; } sub getUserAgent { my $self = shift; if ( !( length $self->{ua} ) ) { my $arch = (POSIX::uname)[ $IDX4 ]; my $os = (POSIX::uname)[ 0 ]; my $rv = $self->getVersion(); $self->{ua} = "PERL-SDK ($os; $arch; rv:$rv) perl/$Config{version}"; } return $self->{ua}; } sub setUserAgent { my ( $self, $str, $rv, $modules ) = @_; my $arch = (POSIX::uname)[ $IDX4 ]; my $os = (POSIX::uname)[ 0 ]; my $rv2 = $self->getVersion(); my $mods = q{}; if ( defined $modules && length($modules) > 0 ) { $mods = q{ } . join q{ }, @{$modules}; } $self->{ua} = "$str ($os; $arch; rv:$rv)$mods perl-sdk/$rv2 perl/$Config{version}"; return $self; } sub getProxy { my ($self) = @_; if ( exists $self->{curlopts}->{'PROXY'} ) { return $self->{curlopts}->{'PROXY'}; } return; } sub setProxy { my ( $self, $proxy ) = @_; if ( length($proxy) == 0 ) { delete $self->{curlopts}->{'PROXY'}; } else { $self->{curlopts}->{'PROXY'} = $proxy; } return $self; } sub getReferer { my ($self) = @_; if ( exists $self->{curlopts}->{'REFERER'} ) { return $self->{curlopts}->{'REFERER'}; } return; } sub setReferer { my ( $self, $referer ) = @_; if ( length($referer) == 0 ) { delete $self->{curlopts}->{'REFERER'}; } else { $self->{curlopts}->{'REFERER'} = $referer; } return $self; } sub getVersion { my $self = shift; return $VERSION; } sub saveSession { my ( $self, $session ) = @_; $session->{socketcfg} = { entity => $self->{socketConfig}->getSystemEntity(), session => $self->{socketConfig}->getSession() }; return $self; } sub reuseSession { my ( $self, $session ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setSystemEntity( $session->{socketcfg}->{entity} ); $self->setSession( $session->{socketcfg}->{session} ); return $self; } sub setURL { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; $self->{socketURL} = $value; return $self; } sub setOTP { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setOTP($value); return $self; } sub setSession { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setSession($value); return $self; } sub setRemoteIPAddress { my ( $self, $value ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setRemoteAddress($value); return $self; } sub setCredentials { my ( $self, $uid, $pw ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setLogin($uid); $self->{socketConfig}->setPassword($pw); return $self; } sub setRoleCredentials { my ( $self, $uid, $role, $pw ) = @_; my $myuid = "${uid}!${role}"; $myuid =~ s/^\!$//msx; return $self->setCredentials( $myuid, $pw ); } sub login { my $self = shift; my $otp = shift; $self->setOTP( $otp || q{} ); my $rr = $self->request( { COMMAND => 'StartSession' } ); if ( $rr->isSuccess() ) { my $col = $rr->getColumn('SESSION'); my $sessid = q{}; if ( defined $col ) { my @d = $col->getData(); $sessid = $d[ 0 ]; } $self->setSession($sessid); } return $rr; } sub loginExtended { my $self = shift; my $params = shift; my $otpc = shift; if ( !defined $otpc ) { $otpc = q{}; } $self->setOTP($otpc); my $cmd = { COMMAND => 'StartSession' }; foreach my $key ( keys %{$params} ) { $cmd->{$key} = $params->{$key}; } my $rr = $self->request($cmd); if ( $rr->isSuccess() ) { my $col = $rr->getColumn('SESSION'); my $sessid = q{}; if ( defined $col ) { my @d = $col->getData(); $sessid = $d[ 0 ]; } $self->setSession($sessid); } return $rr; } sub logout { my $self = shift; my $rr = $self->request( { COMMAND => 'EndSession' } ); if ( $rr->isSuccess() ) { $self->setSession(q{}); } return $rr; } sub request { my ( $self, $cmd ) = @_; # flatten nested api command bulk parameters my $newcmd = $self->_flattenCommand($cmd); # auto convert umlaut names to punycode $newcmd = $self->_autoIDNConvert($newcmd); # request command to API my $cfg = { CONNECTION_URL => $self->{socketURL} }; my $post = $self->getPOSTData($newcmd); my $secured = $self->getPOSTData( $newcmd, 1 ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $ua->agent( $self->getUserAgent() ); $ua->default_header( 'Expect', q{} ); $ua->timeout($SOCKETTIMEOUT); my $referer = $self->getReferer(); if ($referer) { $ua->default_header( 'Referer', $referer ); } my $proxy = $self->getProxy(); if ($proxy) { $ua->proxy( [ 'http', 'https' ], $proxy ); } my $r = $ua->post( $cfg->{CONNECTION_URL}, $post ); if ( $r->is_success ) { $r = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response->new( $r->decoded_content, $newcmd, $cfg ); if ( $self->{debugMode} ) { $self->{logger}->log( $secured, $r ); } } else { $r = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response->new( $rtm->getTemplate('httperror')->getPlain(), $newcmd, $cfg ); if ( $self->{debugMode} ) { $self->{logger}->log( $secured, $r, $r->status_line ); } } return $r; } sub requestNextResponsePage { my ( $self, $rr ) = @_; my $mycmd = $rr->getCommand(); if ( defined $mycmd->{LAST} ) { croak 'Parameter LAST in use! Please remove it to avoid issues in requestNextPage.'; } my $first = 0; if ( defined $mycmd->{FIRST} ) { $first = $mycmd->{FIRST}; } my $total = $rr->getRecordsTotalCount(); my $limit = $rr->getRecordsLimitation(); $first += $limit; if ( $first < $total ) { $mycmd->{FIRST} = $first; $mycmd->{LIMIT} = $limit; return $self->request($mycmd); } return; } sub requestAllResponsePages { my ( $self, $cmd ) = @_; my @responses = (); my $command = {}; foreach my $key ( keys %{$cmd} ) { $command->{$key} = $cmd->{$key}; } $command->{FIRST} = 0; my $rr = $self->request($command); my $tmp = $rr; my $idx = 0; while ( defined $tmp ) { push @responses, $tmp; $tmp = $self->requestNextResponsePage($tmp); } return \@responses; } sub setUserView { my ( $self, $uid ) = @_; $self->{socketConfig}->setUser($uid); return $self; } sub resetUserView { my $self = shift; $self->{socketConfig}->setUser(q{}); return $self; } sub useDefaultConnectionSetup { my $self = shift; return $self->setURL($ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_LIVE); } sub useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup { my $self = shift; return $self->setURL($ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_PROXY); } sub useOTESystem { my $self = shift; $self->setURL($ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_OTE); $self->{socketConfig}->setSystemEntity('1234'); return $self; } sub useLIVESystem { my $self = shift; $self->setURL($ISPAPI_CONNECTION_URL_LIVE); $self->{socketConfig}->setSystemEntity('54cd'); return $self; } sub _flattenCommand { my ( $self, $cmd ) = @_; for my $key ( keys %{$cmd} ) { my $newkey = uc $key; if ( $newkey ne $key ) { $cmd->{$newkey} = delete $cmd->{$key}; } if ( ref( $cmd->{$newkey} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { my @val = @{ $cmd->{$newkey} }; my $idx = 0; for my $str (@val) { $str =~ s/[\r\n]//gmsx; $cmd->{"${key}${idx}"} = $str; $idx++; } delete $cmd->{$newkey}; } } return $cmd; } sub _autoIDNConvert { my ( $self, $cmd ) = @_; if ( $cmd->{'COMMAND'} =~ /^CONVERTIDN$/imsx ) { return $cmd; } my @keys = grep {/^(DOMAIN|NAMESERVER|DNSZONE)(\d*)$/imsx} keys %{$cmd}; if ( scalar @keys == 0 ) { return $cmd; } my @toconvert = (); my @idxs = (); foreach my $key (@keys) { my $val = $cmd->{$key}; if ( $val =~ /[^[:lower:]\d. -]/imsx ) { push @toconvert, $val; push @idxs, $key; } } if ( scalar @toconvert == 0 ) { return $cmd; } my $r = $self->request( { COMMAND => 'ConvertIDN', DOMAIN => \@toconvert } ); if ( $r->isSuccess() ) { my $col = $r->getColumn('ACE'); if ($col) { my $data = $col->getData(); my $idx = 0; foreach my $pc ( @{$data} ) { $cmd->{ $idxs[ $idx ] } = $pc; $idx++; } } } return $cmd; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient - Library to communicate with the insanely fast L<HEXONET Backend API|>. =head1 SYNOPSIS This module helps to integrate the communication with the HEXONET Backend System. To be used in the way: use 5.030; use strict; use warnings; use WebService::Hexonet::Connector; # Create a connection with the URL, entity, login and password # Use " 1234 " as entity for the OT&E, and " 54 cd " for productive use # Don't have a Hexonet Account yet? Get one here: # create a new instance my $cl = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient->new(); # set credentials $cl->setCredentials('test.user', 'test.passw0rd'); # or instead set role credentials # $cl->setRoleCredentials('test.user', 'testrole', 'test.passw0rd'); # set your outgoing ip address (to be used in case ip filter settings is active) $cl->setRemoteIPAdress(''); # specify the HEXONET Backend System to use # LIVE System $cl->useLIVESystem(); # or OT&E System $cl->useOTESystem(); # --------------------------- # SESSION-based communication # --------------------------- $r = $cl->login(); # or if 2FA is active, provide your otp code by # $cl->login(" 12345678 "); if ($r->isSuccess()) { # use saveSession for your needs # to apply the API session to your frontend session. # For later reuse (no need to specify credentials and otp code) # within every request to your frontend server, # rebuild the session by using reuseSession method accordingly. # No need to provide credentials, no need to select a system, # nor to provide a otp code further on. $r = $cl->request({ COMMAND: 'StatusAccount' }); # further logic, further commands # perform logout, you may check the result as shown with the login method $cl->logout(); } # ------------------------- # SESSIONless communication # ------------------------- $r = $cl->request({ COMMAND: 'StatusAccount' }); # ------------------------------------- # Working with returned Response object # ------------------------------------- # Display the result in the format you want my $res; $res = $r->getListHash()); $res = $r->getHash(); $res = $r->getPlain(); # Get the response code and the response description my $code = $r->getCode(); my $description = $r->getDescription(); print "$code$description "; # There are further useful methods that help to access data # like getColumnIndex, getColumn, getRecord, etc. # Check the method documentation below. See the documented methods for deeper information. =head1 DESCRIPTION This library is used to provide all functionality to be able to communicate with the HEXONET Backend System. =head2 Methods =over =item C<new> Returns a new L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance. =item C<enableDebugMode> Activates the debug mode. Details of the API communication are put to STDOUT. Like API command, POST data, API plain-text response. Debug mode is inactive by default. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<disableDebugMode> Deactivates the debug mode. Debug mode is inactive by default. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<getPOSTData( $command, $secured )> Get POST data fields ready to use for HTTP communication based on LWP::UserAgent. Specify the API command for the request by $command. Specify if password data has to be replaced with asterix to secure it for output purposes by $secured. Optional. This method is internally used by the request method. Returns a hash. =item C<getProxy> Returns the configured Proxy URL to use for API communication as string. =item C<getReferer> Returns the configured HTTP Header `Referer` value to use for API communication as string. =item C<getSession> Returns the API session in use as string. =item C<getURL> Returns the url in use pointing to the Backend System to communicate with, as string. =item C<getUserAgent> Returns the user-agent string. =item C<getVersion> Returns the SDK version currently in use as string. =item C<saveSession( $sessionhash )> Save the current API session data into a given session hash object. This might help you to add the backend system session into your frontend session. Use reuseSession method to set a new instance of this module to that session. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<reuseSession( $sessionhash )> Reuse API session data that got previously saved into the given session hash object by method saveSession. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setURL( $url )> Set a different backend system url to be used for communication. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setOTP( $otpcode )> Set your otp code. To be used in case of active 2FA. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setProxy( $proxy )> Set the Proxy URL to use for API communication. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setReferer( $referer )> Set the HTTP Header `Referer` value to use for API communication. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setSession( $sessionid )> Set the API session id to use. Automatically handled after successful session login based on method login or loginExtended. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setRemoteIPAddress( $ip )> Set the outgoing ip address to be used in API communication. Use this in case of an active IP filter setting for your account. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setCredentials( $user, $pw )> Set the credentials to use in API communication. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setRoleCredentials( $user, $role, $pw)> Set the role user credentials to use in API communication. NOTE: the role user specified by $role has to be directly assigned to the specified account specified by $user. The specified password $pw belongs to the role user, not to the account. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<setUserAgent( $str, $rv, $modules )> Set a custom user agent header. This is useful for tools that use our SDK. Specify the client label in $str and the revision number in $rv. Specify further libraries in use by array $modules. This is optional. Entry Format: "modulename/version". Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining . =item C<login( $otpcode )> Perform a session login. Entry point for the session-based communication. You may specify your OTP code by $otpcode. Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<loginExtended( $params, $otpcode )> Perform a session login. Entry point for the session-based communication. You may specify your OTP code by $otpcode. Specify additional command parameter for API command " StartSession " in Hash $params. Possible parameters can be found in the L<API Documentation for StartSession|>. Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<logout> Perfom a session logout. This destroys the API session. Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<request( $command )> Requests the given API Command $command to the Backend System. Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<requestNextResponsePage( $lastresponse )> Requests the next response page for the provided api response $lastresponse. Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<requestAllResponsePages( $command )> Requests all response pages for the specified command. NOTE: this might take some time. Requests are not made in parallel! Returns an array of instances of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response>. =item C<setUserView( $subuser )> Activate read/write Data View on the specified subuser account. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<resetUserView> Reset the data view activated by setUserView. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<useDefaultConnectionSetup> Use the Default Setup to connect to our backend systems. This is the default! Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<useHighPerformanceConnectionSetup> Use the High Performance Connection Setup to connect to our backend systems. This is not the default! Read for Details. Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<useLIVESystem> Use the LIVE Backend System as communication endpoint. Usage may lead to costs. BUT - are system is a prepaid system. As long as you don't have charged your account, you cannot order. This is the default! Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> instance in use for method chaining. =item C<_flattenCommand( $cmd )> Private method. Converts all keys of the given hash into upper case letters and flattens parameters using nested arrays to string parameters. Returns the new command. =item C<_autoIDNConvert( $cmd )> Private method. Converts all affected parameter values to punycode as our API only works with punycode domain names, not with IDN. Returns the new command. =back =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is licensed under the L<MIT License|>. =head1 AUTHOR L<HEXONET GmbH|> =cut