package WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response;

use 5.026_000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Column;
use WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record;
use parent qw(WebService::Hexonet::Connector::ResponseTemplate);
use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
use List::MoreUtils qw(first_index);
use Readonly;
Readonly my $INDEX_NOT_FOUND => -1;

use version 0.9917; our $VERSION = version->declare('v2.9.2');

sub new {
    my ( $class, $raw, $cmd, $ph ) = @_;
    my $self = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::ResponseTemplate->new($raw);
    # care about getting placeholder variables replaced
    if ( $self->{raw} =~ /[{][[:upper:]_]+[}]/gsmx ) {
        if ( !defined $ph ) {
            $ph = {};
        foreach my $key ( keys %{$ph} ) {
            my $find    = "[{]${key}[}]";
            my $replace = $ph->{$key};
            $self->{raw} =~ s/$find/$replace/gsmx;
        $self->{raw} =~ s/[{][[:upper:]_]+[}]//gsmx;
        $self = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::ResponseTemplate->new( $self->{raw} );
    $self = bless $self, $class;
    $self->{command} = $cmd;
    if ( defined $self->{command}->{PASSWORD} ) {
        # make password no longer accessible
        $self->{command}->{PASSWORD} = '***';
    $self->{columnkeys}  = [];
    $self->{columns}     = [];
    $self->{records}     = [];
    $self->{recordIndex} = 0;

    my $h = $self->getHash();
    if ( defined $h->{PROPERTY} ) {
        my @keys  = keys %{ $h->{PROPERTY} };
        my $count = 0;
        foreach my $key (@keys) {
            my @d = @{ $h->{PROPERTY}->{$key} };
            $self->addColumn( $key, @d );
            my $len = scalar @d;
            if ( $len > $count ) {
                $count = $len;
        for my $i ( 0 .. $count ) {
            my %d = ();
            foreach my $colkey (@keys) {
                my $col = $self->getColumn($colkey);
                if ( defined $col ) {
                    my $v = $col->getDataByIndex($i);
                    if ( defined $v ) {
                        $d{$colkey} = $v;
            $self->addRecord( \%d );
    return $self;

sub addColumn {
    my ( $self, $key, @data ) = @_;
    push @{ $self->{columns} }, WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Column->new( $key, @data );
    push @{ $self->{columnkeys} }, $key;
    return $self;

sub addRecord {
    my ( $self, $h ) = @_;
    push @{ $self->{records} }, WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record->new($h);
    return $self;

sub getColumn {
    my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
    if ( $self->_hasColumn($key) ) {
        my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $key } @{ $self->{columnkeys} };
        return $self->{columns}[ $idx ];

sub getColumnIndex {
    my ( $self, $key, $idx ) = @_;
    my $col = $self->getColumn($key);
    return $col->getDataByIndex($idx) if defined $col;

sub getColumnKeys {
    my $self = shift;
    return \@{ $self->{columnkeys} };

sub getColumns {
    my $self = shift;
    return \@{ $self->{columns} };

sub getCommand {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{command};

sub getCommandPlain {
    my $self = shift;
    my $str  = q{};
    foreach my $key ( sort keys %{ $self->{command} } ) {
        my $val = $self->{command}->{$key};
        $str .= "${key} = ${val}\n";
    return $str;

sub getCurrentPageNumber {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $first = $self->getFirstRecordIndex();
    my $limit = $self->getRecordsLimitation();
    if ( defined $first && $limit > 0 ) {
        return floor( $first / $limit ) + 1;
    return $INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

sub getCurrentRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{records}[ $self->{recordIndex} ]
        if $self->_hasCurrentRecord();

sub getFirstRecordIndex {
    my $self = shift;
    my $col  = $self->getColumn('FIRST');
    if ( defined $col ) {
        my $f = $col->getDataByIndex(0);
        if ( defined $f ) {
            return int $f;
    my $len = scalar @{ $self->{records} };
    return 0 if ( $len > 0 );

sub getLastRecordIndex {
    my $self = shift;
    my $col  = $self->getColumn('LAST');
    if ( defined $col ) {
        my $l = $col->getDataByIndex(0);
        if ( defined $l ) {
            return int $l;
    my $len = $self->getRecordsCount();
    if ( $len > 0 ) {
        return ( $len - 1 );

sub getListHash {
    my $self = shift;
    my @lh   = ();
    foreach my $rec ( @{ $self->getRecords() } ) {
        push @lh, $rec->getData();
    my $r = {
        LIST => \@lh,
        meta => {
            columns => $self->getColumnKeys(),
            pg      => $self->getPagination()
    return $r;

sub getNextRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{records}[ ++$self->{recordIndex} ]
        if ( $self->_hasNextRecord() );

sub getNextPageNumber {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cp   = $self->getCurrentPageNumber();
    if ( $cp < 0 ) {
        return $INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    my $page  = $cp + 1;
    my $pages = $self->getNumberOfPages();
    return $page if ( $page <= $pages );
    return $pages;

sub getNumberOfPages {
    my $self  = shift;
    my $t     = $self->getRecordsTotalCount();
    my $limit = $self->getRecordsLimitation();
    if ( $t > 0 && $limit > 0 ) {
        return ceil( $t / $limit );
    return 0;

sub getPagination {
    my $self = shift;
    my $r    = {
        COUNT        => $self->getRecordsCount(),
        CURRENTPAGE  => $self->getCurrentPageNumber(),
        FIRST        => $self->getFirstRecordIndex(),
        LAST         => $self->getLastRecordIndex(),
        LIMIT        => $self->getRecordsLimitation(),
        NEXTPAGE     => $self->getNextPageNumber(),
        PAGES        => $self->getNumberOfPages(),
        PREVIOUSPAGE => $self->getPreviousPageNumber(),
        TOTAL        => $self->getRecordsTotalCount()
    return $r;

sub getPreviousPageNumber {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cp   = $self->getCurrentPageNumber();
    if ( $cp < 0 ) {
        return $INDEX_NOT_FOUND;
    my $np = $cp - 1;
    return $np if ( $np > 0 );
    return $INDEX_NOT_FOUND;

sub getPreviousRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{records}[ --$self->{recordIndex} ]
        if ( $self->_hasPreviousRecord() );

sub getRecord {
    my ( $self, $idx ) = @_;
    if ( $idx >= 0 && $self->getRecordsCount() > $idx ) {
        return $self->{records}[ $idx ];

sub getRecords {
    my $self = shift;
    return \@{ $self->{records} };

sub getRecordsCount {
    my $self = shift;
    my $len  = scalar @{ $self->{records} };
    return $len;

sub getRecordsTotalCount {
    my $self = shift;
    my $col  = $self->getColumn('TOTAL');
    if ( defined $col ) {
        my $t = $col->getDataByIndex(0);
        if ( defined $t ) {
            return int $t;
    return $self->getRecordsCount();

sub getRecordsLimitation {
    my $self = shift;
    my $col  = $self->getColumn('LIMIT');
    if ( defined $col ) {
        my $l = $col->getDataByIndex(0);
        if ( defined $l ) {
            return int $l;
    return $self->getRecordsCount();

sub hasNextPage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cp   = $self->getCurrentPageNumber();
    if ( $cp < 0 ) {
        return 0;
    my $np = $cp + 1;
    if ( $np <= $self->getNumberOfPages() ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub hasPreviousPage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cp   = $self->getCurrentPageNumber();
    if ( $cp < 0 ) {
        return 0;
    my $pp = $cp - 1;
    if ( $pp > 0 ) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

sub rewindRecordList {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{recordIndex} = 0;
    return $self;

sub _hasColumn {
    my ( $self, $key ) = @_;
    my $idx = first_index { $_ eq $key } @{ $self->{columnkeys} };
    return ( $idx > $INDEX_NOT_FOUND );

sub _hasCurrentRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    my $len  = scalar @{ $self->{records} };
    return ( $len > 0 && $self->{recordIndex} >= 0 && $self->{recordIndex} < $len );

sub _hasNextRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    my $next = $self->{recordIndex} + 1;
    my $len  = scalar @{ $self->{records} };
    return ( $self->_hasCurrentRecord() && $next < $len );

sub _hasPreviousRecord {
    my $self = shift;
    return ( $self->{recordIndex} > 0 && $self->_hasCurrentRecord() );




=head1 NAME

WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response - Library to provide accessibility to API response data.


This module is internally used by the L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::APIClient> module.
To be used in the way:

    # specify the used API command (used for the request that responsed with $plain)
    $command = {
	    COMMAND => 'StatusAccount'
    # Optionally specify replacements for place holders in static response templates e.g. {CONNECTION_URL}
    # see ResponseTemplateManager. This makes of course sense and is handled internally by APIClient automatically.
    # When using Repsonse class in unit tests, you could leave this probably out.
    $ph = {
        CONNECTION_URL => ''

    # specify the API plain-text response (this is just an example that won't fit to the command above)
    $plain = "[RESPONSE]\r\nCODE=200\r\nDESCRIPTION=Command completed successfully\r\nEOF\r\n";

    # create a new instance by
    $r = WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response->new($plain, $command, $ph);


HEXONET Backend API always responds in plain-text format that needs to get parsed into a useful
data structure. This module manages all this: parsing data into hash format, into columns and records.
It provides different methods to access the data to fit your needs.

=head2 Methods


=item C<new( $plain, $command, $ph )>

Returns a new L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response> object.
Specify the plain-text API response by $plain.
Specify the used command by $command.
Specify the hash covering all place holder variable's replacement values by $ph. Optional.

=item C<addColumn( $key, @data )>

Add a new column.
Specify the column name by $key.
Specify the column data by @data.
Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response> instance in use for method chaining.

=item C<addRecord( $hash )>

Add a new record.
Specify the row data in hash notation by $hash.
Where the hash key represents the column name.
Where the hash value represents the row value for that column.
Returns the current L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Response> instance in use for method chaining.

=item C<getColumn( $key )>

Get a column for the specified column name $key.
Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Column|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Column>.

=item C<getColumnIndex( $key, $index )> {

Get Data of the specified column $key for the given column index $index.
Returns a scalar.

=item C<getColumnKeys>

Get a list of available column names. NOTE: columns may differ in their data size.
Returns an array.

=item C<getCommand>

Get the command used within the request that resulted in this api response.
This is in general the command you provided in the constructor.
Returns a hash.

=item C<getCommandPlain>

Get the command in plain text that you used within the API request of this response.
This is in general the command you provided in the constructor.
Returns a string.

=item C<getCurrentPageNumber>

Returns the current page number we are in with this API response as int.
Returns -1 if not found.

=item C<getCurrentRecord>

Returns the current record of the iteration. It internally uses recordIndex as iterator index.
Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record>.
Returns undef if not found.

=item C<getFirstRecordIndex>

Returns the first record index of this api response as int.
Returns undef if not found.

=item C<getLastRecordIndex>

Returns the last record index of this api response as int.
Returns undef if not found.

=item C<getListHash>

Returns this api response in a List-Hash format.
You will find the row data under hash key "LIST".
You will find meta data under hash key "meta".
Under "meta" data you will again find a hash, where
hash key "columns" provides you a list of available
column names and "pg" provides you useful paginator
This method is thought to be used if you need
something that helps you realizing tables with or 
without a pager.
Returns a Hash.

=item C<getNextRecord>

Returns the next record of the current iteration.
Returns an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record>.
Returns undef if not found.

=item C<getNextPageNumber>

Returns the number of the next api response page for the current request as int.
Returns -1 if not found.

=item C<getNumberOfPages>

Returns the total number of response pages in our API for the current request as int.

=item C<getPagination>

Returns paginator data of the current response / request.
Returns a hash.

=item C<getPreviousPageNumber>

Returns the number of the previous api response page for the current request as int.
Returns -1 if not found.

=item C<getPreviousRecord>

Returns the previous record of the current iteration.
Returns undef if not found otherwise an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record>.

=item C<getRecord( $index )>

Returns the record of the specified record index $index.
Returns undef if not found otherwise an instance of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record>.

=item C<getRecords>

Returns a list of available records.
Returns an array of instances of L<WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record|WebService::Hexonet::Connector::Record>.

=item C<getRecordsCount>

Returns the amount of returned records for the current request as int.

=item C<getRecordsTotalCount>

Returns the total amount of available records for the current request as int.

=item C<getRecordsLimitation>

Returns the limitation of the current request as int. LIMIT = ...
NOTE: Our system comes with a default limitation if you do not specify
a limitation in list commands to avoid data load in our systems.
This limitation is then returned in column "LIMIT" at index 0.

=item C<hasNextPage>

Checks if a next response page exists for the current query.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.

=item C<hasPreviousPage>

Checks if a previous response page exists for the current query.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.

=item C<rewindRecordList>

Resets the current iteration to index 0.

=item C<_hasColumn( $key )>

Private method. Checks if a column specified by $key exists.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.

=item C<_hasCurrentRecord>

Private method. Checks if the current record exists in the iteration.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.

=item C<_hasNextRecord>

Private method. Checks if the next record exists in the iteration.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.

=item C<_hasPreviousRecord>

Private method. Checks if the previous record exists in the iteration.
Returns boolean 0 or 1.



This program is licensed under the L<MIT License|>.

=head1 AUTHOR

