Revision history for AWS::CLIWrapper
1.11 2016-12-01
- Add servics with aws-cli/1.11.23
1.10 2016-03-15
- Specified min perl version both in module and dist metadata
- Added github repo to dist metadata
- Add servics with aws-cli/1.10.9 (PR #11 by @mithun)
1.09 2015-10-02
- Support ec2 wait (PR #9 by @negachov)
1.08 2015-08-19
- write stdout/stderr message in debug mode (PR #8 by @limitusus)
1.07 2015-07-21
- Don't execute aws command in load phase
1.06 2014-11-25
- s3 OPERATION can take --include or --exclude option multiple times
1.05 2014-09-29
- Added LFMF details! (PR #7)
1.04 2014-08-21
- Add some services (cloudsearch, cloudsearchdomain, cloudtrail, cognito_identity, cognito_sync, configure, datapipeline, emr, kinesis, logs, route53domains) with aws-cli/1.4.2
1.03 2014-02-27
- Escape all arguments before execute by IPC::Cmd
(Suggested by: @Yuryu #4)
- Fix bug in passing operation to s3 or s3api for compatibility old aws-cli
1.02 2014-02-25
- Update the POD to include a special case for the s3 OPERATION.
(Thanks: @Yuryu)
1.01 2013-12-04
- Support 3 or more parameters for s3
eg: s3 sync from to
1.00 2013-09-06
- Officially AWS::CLIWrapper supports awscli/1.0.0
- There are several incompatible changes in between old and
new awscli. AWS::CLIWrapper supports scripts written for old
awscli syntax as much as possible. Don't blame me... :p
- awscli >= 0.14.0 requires upper-case parameters "Key",
"Values", "Value", "Name" in such --filter. But < 1.14.0
requires lower-case parameters "key", "values", "value",
"name". So AWS::CLIWrapper converts upper/lower-case by
version of awscli.
- awscli >= 0.14.0 requires --count pramter in ec2
run-instances, but < 0.14.0 requires --min-count and
--max-count. So AWS::CLIWrapper converts these parameters by
version of awscli
- awscli >= 0.15.0 changed "s3" to "s3api" and "s3" became
another command... So AWS::CLIWrapper calls "s3api"
internally instead of "s3" if awscli >= 0.15.0 and
subcommand seems to old "s3"'s one(--list-buckets,
--put-object and so on), and calls "s3" instead of "s3api"
if awscli < 0.15.0.
- I gave up to work around incompatible changes in type of
returned data structure. For example, awscli 1.0.0
"elb describe-load-balancers" returns hash, on the other
hand, awscli 0.9.3 returns list. Please upgrade awscli
0.09 2013-09-02
* Update document on nofork and timeout (thanks @mschrader)
* Add some methods for aws-cli/0.16.0
0.08 2013-07-05
* Potential 'nofork' option to allow calling IPC::Cmd::run vs. run_forked (issue #1, thanks @mschrader)
0.07 2013-06-19
* Add "output_file" key name of parameter for aws s3 get-object
* Enable to specify timeout before aborting "aws" command
0.06 2013-06-12
* Add some methods for aws-cli/0.12.0
* Fix died when failed to parse result as JSON (aws s3)
0.05 2013-05-01
* Add some methods for latest awscli (0.9.2)
0.04 2013-04-30
* Adjust $Error for incompatible changes of aws-cli/botocore
0.03 2013-03-11
* Add $AWS::CLIWrapper::true and $AWS::CLIWrapper::false for boolean parameter
0.02 2013-01-24
* Support parameter: structure in list
0.01 2013-01-21
* Initial version