Revision history for Net-SSL-ExpireDate

1.04  2007-04-12
  * require IO::Socket::SSL >= 0.99.
    because IO::Socket::SSL < 0.98 cause segmentation fault.
    (thanks: tokuhirom)

1.03  2007-03-01
  * replace "https" (keyword in constructor) with "ssl".
    you can check SMTP over SSL: "ssl => ''" without
    incongruity. ;p)
    (thanks: mizzy)

1.02  2006-11-26
  * neither functional changes nor bug fixes.
  * fixed module dependence.

1.01  2006-11-22
  * added sample scripts to "samples" directory.
  * added new getter methods: ExpireDate#type and #target.

1.00  2006-11-18
  * Initial release.