Revision history for Perl extension APISchema

1.2 2015-11-20T04:37:28Z

    - X-Error-Cause header indicates whether the response comes from app or validator

1.1 2015-11-19T06:32:07Z
    - Add method and path info to documentation TOC (Sixeight++)

1.04 2015-10-15T10:38:54Z
    - mock server feature

1.03 2015-10-06T07:25:49Z
    - Determine the status code from the detail of failure (aereal++)

1.02 2015-10-06T07:12:24Z
    - Prettify the output of examples (aereal++)

1.01 2015-09-04T09:32:37Z
    - Recognize HTTP PATCH method (aereal++)

1.00 2015-08-27T10:48:03Z
    - Support schema which contains unicode characters
    - Enable `use utf8` in DSL file

0.03 2015-08-18T02:06:45Z
    - Validation error has more details. expected: expected schema, actual: actual input data

0.02 2015-03-16T02:35:36Z
    - Add a status_code parameter to P::MW::AS::RequestValidator

0.01 2015-02-18T10:41:05Z

    - original version