Revision history for Perl extension App-PRT

0.08 2014-04-03T02:47:03Z

    - Slurp all of perl files if script executes with no file args (thanks moznion)
    - Fix missing 'literal' method error while renaming class (thanks ishikawa)
    - avoid warnings saying smartmatch is experimental (thanks miyagawa)

0.07 2014-03-28T08:44:39Z

    - Fix a typo

0.06 2014-03-28T07:21:49Z

    - Fix a bug

0.05 2014-03-28T07:12:05Z

    - Improve renaming behavior

0.04 2014-03-25T04:46:18Z

    - Various fixes by moznion

0.03 2014-03-25T03:19:54Z

    - Remove cpanfile.snapshot

0.02 2014-03-25T03:16:37Z

    - FAKE_RELEASE succeed at version 0.01

0.01 2014-03-25T03:04:47Z

    - original version