Revision history for Perl extension Tk::MListbox.

The sort() method in 1.05 worked fine on Solaris, but it crashed
on Linux. The 1.05 version included a hack to make sorting faster. 
This release is back to the non-optimized version, with the optimizing 
code commented out. If someone can explain to me why it didn't work on Linux, 
and perhaps suggest another solution, I'd be grateful. Find the sort() 
method, and look for a few codelines containing references to the array 

In previous versions, resized columns would expand to at least one or two
characters width when the mouse cursor moved over the heading. This has now
been fixed.

Dragging of column headers did not work with Tk 800.018 because of some 
new cget() beaviour. This release avoids this problem.

When sorting, Busy(-recurse=>1) is now called (if you have a Tk that is
new enough to support it).

Renamed the test program from to

The author discovered h2xs....

Added option -configurecommand.
Added methods bindRows, bindColumns, bindSeparators.