Revision history for Perl extension WebService::Google::Language
0.05 Nov 11, 2008
- FIX: declaring multiple constants at once in 0.04
broke compatibility with Perl 5.6 standard distribution
( < 1.03)
- FIX: Latin-1 to UTF-8 bytes conversion was broken on Perl 5.6
0.04 Nov 10, 2008
- Use accessors in constructor and methods
- Minor code cleanup
- Documentation updated about the setting functionality
of the accessors and the formerly unmentioned ping method
- Test documentation with Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage
0.03 Sep 30, 2008
- Accessors can be used as chained mutators
- Set HTTP referer header per request
0.02 May 19, 2008
- FIX: respect proxy environment variables (reported by IZUT)
- Made accessors for embedded JSON and LWP::UserAgent instances
- JSON and LWP::UserAgent instances can be passed to constructor
0.01 May 16, 2008
- Initial release