0.14	- 2020-12-23, H.Merijn Brand
    * geological -> geographical (Shlomi Fish)
    * Use Pod::Text
    * Give more diagnostics if a database connection fails
    * Fix META issue for bugtracker

0.13	- 2020-04-09, H.Merijn Brand
    * Make 5.14.0 explicit in Makefile.PL

0.12	- 2020-04-09, H.Merijn Brand
    * Add option to select CIDR's for country

0.11	- 2020-01-21, H.Merijn Brand
    * Release!

0.10	- 2020-01-16, H.Merijn Brand
    * Support download using Maxmind license key
    * Prepare for CPAN

0.09	- 2019-08-12, H.Merijn Brand
    * Support whois (-w / --whois)
    * Support JSON (-j / --json, -J --json-pretty)
    * Support fixed local location (-l / --local)
    * Support alternate database (-D / --DB)
    * Full manual
    * Support configuration file(s)

0.07	- 2019-03-09, H.Merijn Brand
    * Use Data::Peek for diagnoses or Data::Dumper if not installed
    * Use alternatives to determine own location

0.06	- 2019-04-11, H.Merijn Brand
    * Add -s/--short
    * Use GIS::Distance if available
    * Add alternative geolocation url

0.05	- 2019-01-31, H.Merijn Brand
    * Add ChangeLog
    * Add --dist option
    * Add support for SQLite

0.04	- 2018-11-26, H.Merijn Brand
    * Initial release to github
    * README updates
    * Progress on DB loading
    * Error handling on bad queries
    * Off-line use (no DNS)
    * Usage
    * Add --fetch and --no-update
    * Add OpenStreetMap URL
    * No warnings on first fetch