2010-05-03  0.29  H.Merijn Brand

    * Fix git URL in META.yml
    * Add empty CLONE method to prevent warning when cloning threads
    * Minimum perl 5.8.1
    * Minimum Text::CSV_XS 0.71
    * Support for f_encoding (requires DBI-1.611)
    * Documentation updates

2010-03-16  0.28  H.Merijn Brand

    * Remove t/00_minimumversion.t from distribution
    * Dropped YAML spec to 1.0
    * Sync up with SQL::Statement 1.25
      NOTE: Internals of both modules changed. They will change again for
            SQL::Statement 2.0

2010-02-17  0.27  H.Merijn Brand

    * Upped copyright to 2010
    * Doc-fix typo in link (Detlef Pilzecker)
    * Doc-fix small typo's

2009-11-10  0.26  H.Merijn Brand

    * Adjustments for windows (RT#50544)
    * Mark all non-\w chars illegal in field and table names
    * Fix field types after execute (RT#51090, vgdoqd)
    * Fix for NULL joins. Requires SQL::Statement 1.23 (RT#43010, JBAZIK)

2009-10-15  0.25  H.Merijn Brand

    * Raised minimum perl version to 5.005_03
    * Requires Text::CSV_XS 0.43 (needs eof () method and
      error_diag ()) (RT#33764)
    * Code cleanup (perlcritic, style, layout)
    * Implemented f_ext
    * Implemented f_schema (in DBD::File)
    * Split csv handles for input (no eol default) and
      output (default "\r\n") (RT#33767)
    * Updated info URL's
    * Cleaned up tests
    * Tests now use Test::More
    * Cut down README. No need to be a duplicate module pod
    * Added TODO to documentation
    * Added examples/ from docs
    * Add csv_null
    * Add csv_* to pass to the parser
    * Improved error handling and reporting
    * Table names case sensitiveness
    * Implemented raw_header (RT#44583)

2005-08-10  0.23  Jeff Zucker <jzuckerATcpan.org>

    * fixed bug in automatic column generation, defining
      col_names => [] will auto generate col1, col2, etc.
      thanks for bug report, harleypig on AnnoCPAN

    * added support for multi-character end-of-line separators
      thanks for suggestion, harleypig on AnnoCPAN

2005-04-01  0.22  Jeff Zucker <jzuckerATcpan.org>

    * removed DESTROY and disconnect - use DBD File's instead

    * added ignore_missing_table flag to avoid warnings with

2004-04-18  0.21  Jeff Zucker <jzuckerATcpan.org>

    * added support for $dbh->{Active}, should now work
      well with Class::DBI and other caching systems

    * added support for DROP TABLE IF EXISTS - doesn't
      complain if table is already dropped

    * removed DBD::File from the distribution - it's now
      distributed with DBI 1.42 and higher

2002-03-01  0.2002  Jeff Zucker <jzuckerATcpan.org>

    * added parser-caching for speedier operation,
      see File.pm prepare()

    * further adjustments in tests including fix for
      prototypes to make it perl 5.8 compatible

2002-01-21  0.2001  Jeff Zucker <jzuckerATcpan.org>

    * adjusted docs to show Jeff as the new maintainer.

    * added docs for extended SQL features (joins, etc.)
      available with SQL::Statement 1.0 and above.

    * adjusted tests blobs.t, chopblanks.t, and ak-dbd.t
      to work with all versions of SQL::Statement.

2002-12-20  0.1030  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm: Locking is now suppressed under
      VMS. David Webb <d.webb@mdx.ac.uk>
    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: Added a hint to the docs, that
      "f_dir=" is required for the current directory
      on VMS and not "f_dir=.". David Webb

2001-11-28  0.1029  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm (fetch_row): A numeric value
      must be assigned to $!.

2001-11-20  0.1028  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm (fetch_row): Changed "undef $!"
      to "$! = ''". David Arnold <arnoldd@aecl.ca>

2001-05-04  0.1026  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (table_info): Added closedir().
      Alex Hornby <alex@anvil.co.uk>

2000-12-22  0.1025  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm (fetch_row): Now cleaning $! before
      calling $csv->getline(). Seems to return false errors
      otherwise in some cases. Jeremy Wadsack
    * Made Makefile.PL CPAN conformant.
    * Removed unnecessary stuff in Makefile.PL which verified
      the DBI installation.

2000-07-31  0.1023  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (STORE): Changed croak to die.
      Guido Flohr <guido@imperia.westend.com>

2000-07-31  0.1023  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * Minor fix in the docs, thanks to Andreas Grupp,
    * Minor compatibility fixes in the test suite for
      Perl 5.6.

1999-10-07  0.1022  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (connect): In the DSN, \ was removed in
      all cases. It is now possible to use \\ for a DSN
      containing a backslash, for example f_dir=C:\\tmp.
      Suggested by Giuliano Cioffi <g.cioffi@piemme.it>.
    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: Lots os minor POD patches, thanks to
      Adam Di Carlo <adam@onshore.com>.
    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: More POD patches, thanks to
      Timothy F Armbruster <tfarmbruster@notes.west.raytheon.com>.

1999-05-10  0.1021  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm (push_row): Fixed typo in docs where DBI:File:
      was used instead of DBI:CSV: (Mitra <mitra@earth.path.net>)
    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm (fetch_row): An undef result from $csv->getline()
      was sometimes handled incorrectly. Thanks to Syed Muhammad Nayeem
    * lib/DBD/File.pm: Removed use of flock under Win95.

1999-03-17  0.1020  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (FETCH): Simplified handling of $sth->{'NAME'}
      due to a change in SQL::Statement 0.1011. (Teun Burgers,
      Teun Burgers <burgers@ecn.nl>)

1999-02-11  0.1019  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * Makefile.PL (CheckModule): Now requires Text::CSV_XS 0.16, due
      to an imcompatible change.

1998-12-30  0.1018  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * t/lib.pl: Fixed a bug in the test suite. (File::Spec wasn't

1998-10-26  0.1017  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

  * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: Fixed some examples in the docs. (Brian
    Millett, bpm@ec-group.com)
  * Now using File::Spec, if available, for Mac portability.
    (Chris Nandor, pudge@pobox.com)

1998-10-20  0.1016  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/Bundle/DBD/CSV.pm: Added lib/Bundle/DBD/CSV.pm
    * lib/DBD/File.pm: Added $dbh->table_info(). Added
      $dbh->type_info_all(). Added $dbh->quote($str, $type).

1998-09-17  0.1015  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: Fixed bug in the docs, the "undef" argument
      was missing in conjunction with parameters,
      Honza Pazdziora <adelton@fi.muni.cz>.
    * lib/DBD/CSV.pm: Added csv_eol, csv_sep_char, csv_quote_char
      and csv_escape_char to DSN.

1998-08-31  0.1014  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * Makefile.PL: Added AUTHOR, ABSTRACT_FROM and PREREQ_PM.
    * Makefile.PL: Fixed error handling by using DBI::set_err.

1998-08-17  0.1013  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (drop): $self->{'fh'} is now closed before
      unlinking it. This makes DROP TABLE work under Win32 and
      other Non-Unixes.

1998-08-17  0.1012  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * lib/DBD/File.pm (open_table): Added binmode.
    * Added Gerald Richter's modifications for DBD::ConfFile to the
      test suite.
    * DBD-File/File.pm: Removed DBD::File::SetError and SetWarning.
      Replaced $sth->func('get_fbav') with $sth->get_fbav() (Requires
      DBI 0.94). DBD::File is now a Perl-Only driver.
    * DBD-File/File.pm (fetch): Fixed a DBD::CSV::SetError to
      DBD::File::SetError; thanks to Gerald Richter
    * DBD-File/File.pm: Fixed some $sth->{attr}'s to $sth->FETCH|STORE,
      my thanks to Gerald Richter.

1998-06-25  0.1011  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * DBD-File/File.pm (execute): Added missing eval around
    * DBD-File/File.pm (FETCH): $sth->{TYPE} is now returning
      undef (workaround for a bug in DBI 0.93).

1998-06-11  0.1010  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * Added DBD::File, DBD::CSV is derived from it.

    * CSV.pm (open_table): Added $dbh->{tables}->{$table}->{file}.

1998-05-21  0.1002  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * CSV.pm: Now using the misc.files_as_tables feature
      of SQL::Statement

1998-05-05  0.1000  Jochen Wiedmann  <joe@ispsoft.de>

    * Initial version