0.85 - 02 Aug 2013, H.Merijn Brand
* Fix CPAN complaints
0.84 - 02 Aug 2013, H.Merijn Brand
* Unicode versions update in README (5.18.0 shipped with Unicode 6.2)
* Unify versions update (DBD::Unify::*Info share DBD::Unify's VERSION)
* Updated ChangeLog style
0.83 - 17 Apr 2013, H.Merijn Brand
* Removed "defined but not used: n_dbh" compile warning (Todd Zervas)
* Code cleanup (Todd Zervas)
* Fixed "subscript out of range" warning on HP-UX (Todd Zervas)
* Tested against new DBI-1.625
* Document naming conflict for inflate (README)
* Up copyright to 2013
0.82 - 02 Apr 2012, H.Merijn Brand
* Up copyright to 2012
* Fix core dump during statement cleanup when SQLBE aborts unexpectedly (Todd Zervas)
* Fix glib detected free() invalid pointer error during perl cleanup due
to use of internal putenv <http://search.cpan.org/dist/perl/INSTALL#Environment_access> (Todd Zervas)
* Added DATETIME support for 9.1 and up (Todd Zervas)
0.81 - 10 Nov 2011, H.Merijn Brand (this was never released)
* Convert to Test::More::done_testing
* Up copyright to 2011
* NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL
* Require perl-5.8.4 (prepare for Unicode support)
* Implement uni_unicode (slightly experimental)
0.80 - 30 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
* Spelling changes
* Remove the need for PERL_POLLUTE
0.79 - 07 Jun 2010, H.Merijn Brand
* Use correct typedefs for date columns instead of generic UINTxx (Todd)
* Upped copyright to 2010
* Implement column_info ()
* Permanently removed DBDverbose (use dbd_verbose or uni_verbose instead)
* Implement private_attribute_info () methods
* Dropped YAML spec to 1.0
0.78 - 11 Sep 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* Small speedup by using different XS code
* Added primary_key () info method
* SElinux relocation fix (Todd Zervas)
* Force ChopBlanks on internals
* Tested with perl-5.10.1
* Updated Unicode reference
0.77 - 19 Jun 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* Default ld option "" for unsupported OS
* Better diag message for t/26-uni-multiarg.t
* Added success report in README
* Upped copyright to 2009
* Moved some TODO items to Unify.pm
* Row count incorrect returning from sth->execute (Todd Zervas)
* Several updates regarding error reporting
including the promotion of SQLWARN were appropriate
* The generated TypeInfo was very wrong. Corrected.
* Documentation in t/15-uni-fail.t about BUG 108243 (Todd Zervas)
* Register program with Unify logging system (Todd Zervas)
* $DBD_VERBOSE can overrule $DBD_TRACE
* Improved support for SQLSTATE and added tests
0.76 - 19 Oct 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Module does provide more than just Unify.pm now
* YAML declared 1.4 (META.yml) instead of 1.1 (YAML)
0.75 - 23 Sep 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Three-level dbd_verbose and documentation
* $ENV{DBD_TRACE} sets $dbh->{dbd_verbose} on/before connect
* New tests for $h->trace (...) and $h->{dbd_verbose}
* Added type_info_all (), get_info (), and parse_trace_flag ()
* Note that identifiers are now quoted
* Override quote_identifier () (UNIFY has no CATALOGS)
* Accept 2-arg and 3-arg ->do ()
* Accept %attr to ->prepare ()
* Raised all verbose levels by 1. 1 and 2 are now DBI only
* Removed 05-reauth.t
* NULLABLE now always 2, as it doesn't work
* Implemented CursorName sth attribute
* Implemented ParamValues sth attribute
* Implemented ParamTypes sth attribute
* Implemented RowsInCache sth attribute (always 0)
* Tested with Unify 6.3AB on HP-UX 10.20 with perl 5.8.8
* Tested with Unify 8.2BC on HP-UX 11.00 with perl 5.8.8
* Tested with Unify 8.3I on HP-UX 11.23 with perl 5.10.0
* Tested with Unify 8.3K on AIX with perl 5.8.8
Tests will fail on older perls, as the test cases use scalarIO
0.72 - 23 Apr 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Kindly tell CPAN smokers not to bother when there is no Unify
* Add a correct(ed) META.yml
* Move to EU::MM's prompt () function for the questions
0.71 - 04 Jan 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Small change in Makefile.PL for HP-UX 11.23 ia64
* Refactor the date stuff in t/20-uni-basic
we need more tests for %ENV variable setting like
0.70 - 04 Jan 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Added the dTHX; calls for threaded perls
* Moved opt_v to dbd_verbose
* Added/Aliassed uni_verbose to dbd_verbose
* Made the first failure notices from Makefile.PL more verbose (castaway)
* Tested with DBI-1.59
** 0.66 never made it to production due to lack of tuits
* Tested with DBI-1.601
* Prevent segfault under Linux (Todd Zervas)
* Better support for SQLBINARY (Todd Zervas) (adds t/25-binary.t)
* DBD::Unify now under git
* Upped copyright to 2008
* Tested with perl-5.10.0
* A few casts for 64bit perl
* Moved DBIh_SET_ERR_CHAR () to DBIc_ERR () and DBIc_ERRSTR ()
* Moved DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL (h) to dbis->debug where appropriate
* Raised minimal perl to 5.6.x, also for Test::More
0.65 - 20 Aug 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* perlcritic OK
* BAIL_OUT () when table creation fails
* Segfault fix for failing do () calls (tazervas@earthlink.net)
* Split TEXT/BINARY for DS 9 (tazervas@earthlink.net) + test
* Added an example to show record count(s)
0.64 - 14 May 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Tested under DBI-1.56. Make sure to rebuild the DBD
* Added t/15-uni-fail.t
* Differentiate between carp (warnings) and croak (errors) better
0.62 - 09 May 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Extended Copyright's to 2007
* Fixed more typo's in the doc's
* Passed LICENSE only to MakeMaker >= 6.30
* Tested under DBI-1.55. Make sure to rebuild the DBD
*from scratch* (make distclean) when installing DBI-1.55
* Updated Unicode versions in README
* Added cover target
* Added some very basic foreign_key_info () tests
0.61 - 27 Apr 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Small README changes. Typo fixes.
* Swapped libusu and libudsu (Ron Kuris)
* Use DBIh_SET_ERR_CHAR () and support SQLSTATE throughout
* Use DBIc_TRACE_LEVEL () where possible
* Use DBIc_DBISTATE (imp_sth)->get_fbav (imp_sth) instead
of DBIS->get_fbav (imp_sth);
. All three of the above should also speed up the DBD
0.60 - 09 Feb 2006, H.Merijn Brand
* TEXT/BINARY support
0.51 - 16 Jan 2006, H.Merijn Brand
* Extended link options from Makefile.PL (Ron Kuris)
* Faster ping (Ron Kuris)
* Dynamic extension for shared libs from %Config
* Changed ok ($a eq $b, "name") tests to is ($a, $b, "name")
0.50 - 30 Sep 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* Major changes to Makefile.PL to enable 8.3E and up
8.3E and up uses different library names, and might
require libgcc
0.43 - 18 Sep 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* Added t/00-pod.t for Test::Pod
* Added t/00-podc.t for Test::Pod::Coverage
0.42 - 17 Aug 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* implemented foreign_key_info ()
0.41 - 24 May 2004, H.Merijn Brand
* t/21-uni-regex.t now skips on uvsn < 8.2
0.40 - 29 Apr 2004, H.Merijn Brand
* Made DBI-1.42 prerequisite
* All tests now under Test::More
* Ran Devel::Cover-0.41
* Added t/40-info.t
* Return error on table_info (catalog); # Unify has no catalogs
0.31 - 22 Apr 2004, H.Merijn Brand
* Tested against DBI-1.41 through 1.42
* ScanLevel to uni_scanlevel
* Support for dynamic loading
0.30 - 02 Mar 2004, H.Merijn Brand
* Tested against DBI-1.39 through 1.40
* Support for shared builds on HP-UX (Unify/DS 8.2B and up)
* Fix for $dbh attributes from 0.27 was not as good as it
should have been
0.27 - 29 Aug 2003, H.Merijn Brand
* DBDverbose to uni_verbose
* Tested against DBI-1.36 through 1.38
* Removed Uniperl.pm (never knew what it was for anyway)
* Makefile.PL to return the status of WriteMakefile ()
* Fixed a buglet in assigning dbh attributes
0.26 - 17 Mar 2003, H.Merijn Brand
* Fixed forgotten (essential) updates to ChangeLog and README
0.25 - 14 Mar 2003, H.Merijn Brand
* Many README additions and updates
* Tested against DBI-1.32 through 1.35
* Workaround for problem number 22960: re-connecting to the
same database fails in DS 8.2 and below
* Allowed state S1000 in 10-dbi-drv for DS 8.2B
0.24 - 28 May 2002, H.Merijn Brand
* Minor adjustments for perl-5.7.3 / DBI-1.21
* Disable networked databases by default
* Added installu.pl (make installu) to support multiple
versions alongside
* README changes for 8.1 (UTF-8, network support, install)
* Tested against DBI-1.21 through 1.23
0.23 - 27 Aug 2001, H.Merijn Brand
* README tweaks and additions
* Unify => SQL types (->{TYPE} attribute is now ANSI/ODBC)
* Tested against DBI-1.20
0.22 - 24 Jul 2001, H.Merijn Brand
* Basic support for DATE/TIME (Tom Poage)
* Extended test suite for testing DATE/TIME
* Alter test behavior due to authorization failures
* Safer internals for field name and string values
* Optional attributes to table_info (from dbi_dev)
* Acknowledgements in README (Thanks Tom ;-)
* Many more changes in README (varargs is now solved; requirements;
todo; restrictions)
* Added COPYRIGHT & LICENSE to Unify.pm and README
* Suppressed PrintError in t/03-general for DBI-1.18 and up
* Minor doc additions in Unify.pm
* Major additions and changes to test suite. Notably t/21-uni-regex.t
to see if the SHLIKE bug exists in the current configuration
* Minor adjustments for DBI-1.19 and table_info change
* Added link_info (experimental)
0.21 - 28 Mar 2001, H.Merijn Brand
* Some changes to README
* Reorganization of test suite; Signaling of not (yet) implemented
functionality; Testing all DBI's documented features
* prototypes (Tom Poage)
* varargs/stdarg from perl config
0.20 - 26 Feb 2001, H.Merijn Brand
* Illegal memory access in debugging statement (oops)
* Internet references (requested by Tim)
0.12 - 10 Jan 2001, H.Merijn Brand
* AIX nurse was killing the kids. Simplified nursing.
* Removed dTHR calls
* Added connect.t to move auto-destroy from general.t (which is now
more destroy safe)
* Small tweaks to Unify.pm pod
0.11 - 11 Dec 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Nursed the orphans myself :-))
(Destructable statement handles are now destroyed on commit,
rollback and disconnect)
0.10 - 17 Nov 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Added test for bind_columns (marked as tested in pod)
* Moved prepare destruction from finish to DESTROY
* Added test for execute after finish
* Changed internal return codes from -1 (failure) to 0
* Added a few tests (borrowed from Oracle)
* Checked for connection (and fail on some actions if not connected)
* Enabled 'ping' method
* Stripped SQL comments
* Implemented $sth->rows method + test
0.09 - 02 Aug 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Added doc for use of stdarg in README
* Added tests for statement handle attributes
* Added string length to sth->{PRECISION}
* Small README changes of what's done
* table_info () now returns the fields in the expected order
* Corrected small typo's in pod
0.08 - 19 May 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Described output (DBIc_NUM_FIELDS (imp_sth)) and input
(DBIc_NUM_PARAMS (imp_sth)) separately, so the {NAME} attribute
is now also supported for OSF/1
* Repaired ID allocation if exceeded default maximum of 32
* Added test for ID allocation
0.07 - 03 May 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Added imp_dbh.id to allow multiple DB handles on same DB preventing
conflicts with dynamic naming.
Multiple different Unify DB's is not (yet) supported by the Unify
E/SQL environment. :-((
* Stringified REAL, FLOAT and (HUGE) AMOUNT values on fetch, but still
preserving the numeric context (it's an SvNV alright).
* Updated pod sections in Unify.pm
0.06 - 05 Apr 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Saved field descriptor data to implement correct return values of
$sth->fetchrow_hashref () calls
* Test now really CHECKS what happened, not only spits out what I
would recognize as succeeded test output. I still rely on RaiseError
to crash the test on DB failures.
0.05 - 23 Mar 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Recognize strings w/ negative numbers in bind where !SvIOK (value)
In fact drop the SvIOK () check altogether and let SvIV () do the
job, including the warnings. I still want to be able to check the
value BEFORE the warning, but we'll see ...
* Index display in bind failure
0.04 - 15 Feb 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Oops, forgot to close open cursor on re-execute
* Full implementation of positional parameters includes
Auto conversion from SvPV's (string) to SvIV's (numeric)
* Test includes positional inserts
* Test includes updates and positional updates
* Added $dbh->{DBDverbose} (see pod)
0.03 - 09 Feb 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Changes to Makefile.PL to support AIX
* Forced prefer varargs over stdarg in dbdimp.ic :-(
* Implemented positional parameters :-)
0.02 - 03 Feb 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Support for SCANLEVEL
* connect () destroyed $DBPATH :-(
* Makefile.PL cleanup
* Minor changes to Unify.pm following DBI::DBD docs
* ChopBlanks honored (default on)
* sqlError () provides descriptive message
* Unlimited number of statement handles :-)
I found out I used outdated books :-(
* dbdimp.h cleanup started
0.01 - 18 Jan 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* First public port