#!perl -w # vim:ts=8:sw=4 $|=1; use Test::More; use DBI; eval { require Storable; import Storable qw(dclone); require Encode; import Encode qw(_utf8_on _utf8_off is_utf8); }; plan skip_all => "Unable to load required module ($@)" unless defined &_utf8_on; plan tests => 16; $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sponge:foo","","", { PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1, }); my $source_rows = [ # data for DBD::Sponge to return via fetch [ 41, "AAA", 9 ], [ 42, "BB", undef ], [ 43, undef, 7 ], [ 44, "DDD", 6 ], ]; my($sth, $col0, $col1, $col2, $rows); # set utf8 on one of the columns so we can check it carries through into the # keys of fetchrow_hashref my @col_names = qw(Col1 Col2 Col3); _utf8_on($col_names[1]); ok is_utf8($col_names[1]); ok !is_utf8($col_names[0]); $sth = $dbh->prepare("foo", { rows => dclone($source_rows), NAME => \@col_names, }); ok($sth->bind_columns(\($col0, $col1, $col2)) ); ok($sth->execute(), $DBI::errstr); ok $sth->fetch; cmp_ok $col1, 'eq', "AAA"; ok !is_utf8($col1); # force utf8 flag on _utf8_on($col1); ok is_utf8($col1); ok $sth->fetch; cmp_ok $col1, 'eq', "BB"; # XXX sadly this test doesn't detect the problem when using DBD::Sponge # because DBD::Sponge uses $sth->_set_fbav (correctly) and that uses # sv_setsv which doesn't have the utf8 persistence that sv_setpv does. ok !is_utf8($col1); # utf8 flag should have been reset ok $sth->fetch; ok !defined $col1; # null ok !is_utf8($col1); # utf8 flag should have been reset ok my $hash = $sth->fetchrow_hashref; ok 1 == grep { is_utf8($_) } keys %$hash; $sth->finish; # end