#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; require Test::NoWarnings; use Spreadsheet::Read; my $parser; if ($parser = Spreadsheet::Read::parses ("xls")) { print STDERR "# Parser: $parser-", $parser->VERSION, "\n"; plan tests => 272; Test::NoWarnings->import; } else { plan skip_all => "No M\$-Excel parser found"; } { my $ref; $ref = ReadData ("no_such_file.xls"); ok (!defined $ref, "Nonexistent file"); $ref = ReadData ("files/empty.xls"); ok (!defined $ref, "Empty file"); } my $content; { local $/; open my $xls, "<", "files/test.xls" or die "files/test.xls: $!"; binmode $xls; $content = <$xls>; close $xls; } my $xls; foreach my $base ( [ "files/test.xls", "Read/Parse xls file" ], [ $content, "Parse xls data" ], ) { my ($txt, $msg) = @$base; ok ($xls = ReadData ($txt), $msg); ok (1, "Base values"); is (ref $xls, "ARRAY", "Return type"); is ($xls->[0]{type}, "xls", "Spreadsheet type"); is ($xls->[0]{sheets}, 2, "Sheet count"); is (ref $xls->[0]{sheet}, "HASH", "Sheet list"); is (scalar keys %{$xls->[0]{sheet}}, 2, "Sheet list count"); cmp_ok ($xls->[0]{version}, ">=", 0.26, "Parser version"); ok (1, "Defined fields"); foreach my $cell (qw( A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B4 C3 C4 D1 D3 )) { my ($c, $r) = cell2cr ($cell); is ($xls->[1]{cell}[$c][$r], $cell, "Unformatted cell $cell"); is ($xls->[1]{$cell}, $cell, "Formatted cell $cell"); } ok (1, "Undefined fields"); foreach my $cell (qw( B3 C1 C2 D2 D4 )) { my ($c, $r) = cell2cr ($cell); is ($xls->[1]{cell}[$c][$r], undef, "Unformatted cell $cell"); is ($xls->[1]{$cell}, undef, "Formatted cell $cell"); } my @row = Spreadsheet::Read::rows ($xls->[1]); is (scalar @row, 4, "Row'ed rows"); is (scalar @{$row[3]}, 4, "Row'ed columns"); is ($row[0][3], "D1", "Row'ed value D1"); is ($row[3][2], "C4", "Row'ed value C4"); } # This files is generated under Mac OS/X Tiger ok (1, "XLS File fom Mac OS X"); ok ($xls = ReadData ("files/macosx.xls", clip => 0), "Read/Parse Mac OS X xls file"); ok (1, "Base values"); is ($xls->[0]{sheets}, 3, "Sheet count"); is ($xls->[0]{sheet}{Sheet3}, 3, "Sheet labels"); is ($xls->[1]{maxrow}, 25, "MaxRow"); is ($xls->[1]{maxcol}, 3, "MaxCol"); is ($xls->[2]{label}, "Sheet2", "Sheet label"); is ($xls->[2]{maxrow}, 0, "Empty sheet maxrow"); is ($xls->[2]{maxcol}, 0, "Empty sheet maxcol"); ok (1, "Content"); is ($#{$xls->[1]{cell}[3]}, $xls->[1]{maxrow}, "cell structure"); ok (defined $xls->[1]{cell}[$xls->[1]{maxcol}][$xls->[1]{maxrow}], "last cell"); foreach my $x (1 .. 17) { my $cell = cr2cell (1, $x); is ($xls->[1]{$cell}, $x, "Cell $cell"); is ($xls->[1]{cell}[1][$x], $x, "Cell 1, $x"); } foreach my $x (1 .. 25) { my $cell = cr2cell (3, $x); is ($xls->[1]{$cell}, $x, "Cell $cell"); is ($xls->[1]{cell}[3][$x], $x, "Cell 3, $x"); } foreach my $cell (qw( A18 B1 B6 B20 C26 D14 )) { my ($c, $r) = cell2cr ($cell); is ($xls->[1]{cell}[$c][$r], undef, "Cell $cell"); is ($xls->[1]{$cell}, undef, "Cell $c, $r"); } eval { eval "use ".$parser."::FmtDefault"; my ($pm) = map { $INC{$_} } grep m{FmtDefault.pm$}i => keys %INC; if (open my $ph, "<", $pm) { my $l; $l = <$ph> for 1 .. 68; close $ph; if ($l =~ m/'C\*'/) { print STDERR "\n", "# If the next tests give warnings like\n", "# Character in 'C' format wrapped in pack at\n", "# $pm line 68\n", "# Change C* to U* in line 68\n", "# patch -p0 <SPE68.diff\n"; my @patch = <DATA>; s/\bPM\b/$pm/ for @patch; open $ph, ">", "SPE68.diff" or die "SPE68.diff: $!\n"; print $ph @patch; close $ph; } } }; # Tests for empty thingies ok ($xls = ReadData ("files/values.xls"), "True/False values"); ok (my $ss = $xls->[1], "first sheet"); is ($ss->{cell}[1][1], "A1", "unformatted plain text"); is ($ss->{cell}[2][1], " ", "unformatted space"); is ($ss->{cell}[3][1], undef, "unformatted empty"); is ($ss->{cell}[4][1], "0", "unformatted numeric 0"); is ($ss->{cell}[5][1], "1", "unformatted numeric 1"); is ($ss->{cell}[6][1], "", "unformatted a single '"); is ($ss->{A1}, "A1", "formatted plain text"); is ($ss->{B1}, " ", "formatted space"); is ($ss->{C1}, undef, "formatted empty"); is ($ss->{D1}, "0", "formatted numeric 0"); is ($ss->{E1}, "1", "formatted numeric 1"); is ($ss->{F1}, "", "formatted a single '"); { # RT#74976] Error Received when reading empty sheets foreach my $strip (0 .. 3) { my $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", strip => $strip); ok ($ref, "File with no content - strip $strip"); } } # blank.xls has only one sheet with A1 filled with ' ' { my $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 0, strip => 0); ok ($ref, "!clip strip 0"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 2, "maxrow 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], " ", "(1, 1) = ' '"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, " ", "A1 = ' '"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 0, strip => 1); ok ($ref, "!clip strip 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 2, "maxrow 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], "", "blank (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, "", "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 0, strip => 1, cells => 0); ok ($ref, "!clip strip 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 2, "maxrow 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], "", "blank (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 0, strip => 2, rc => 0); ok ($ref, "!clip strip 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 2, "maxrow 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, "", "blank A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 0, strip => 3, cells => 0, rc => 0); ok ($ref, "!clip strip 3"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 2, "maxrow 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 1, strip => 0); ok ($ref, " clip strip 0"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 1, "maxrow 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 1, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], " ", "(1, 1) = ' '"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, " ", "A1 = ' '"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 1, strip => 1); ok ($ref, " clip strip 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 0, "maxrow 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 0, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 1, strip => 1, cells => 0); ok ($ref, " clip strip 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 0, "maxrow 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 0, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 1, strip => 2, rc => 0); ok ($ref, " clip strip 2"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 0, "maxrow 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 0, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); $ref = ReadData ("files/blank.xls", clip => 1, strip => 3, cells => 0, rc => 0); ok ($ref, " clip strip 3"); is ($ref->[1]{maxrow}, 0, "maxrow 1"); is ($ref->[1]{maxcol}, 0, "maxcol 1"); is ($ref->[1]{cell}[1][1], undef, "undef (1, 1)"); is ($ref->[1]{A1}, undef, "undef A1"); } __END__ --- PM 2005-09-15 14:16:36.163623616 +0200 +++ PM 2005-09-15 14:11:56.289171000 +0200 @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ sub new($;%) { sub TextFmt($$;$) { my($oThis, $sTxt, $sCode) =@_; return $sTxt if((! defined($sCode)) || ($sCode eq '_native_')); - return pack('C*', unpack('n*', $sTxt)); + return pack('U*', unpack('n*', $sTxt)); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FmtStringDef (for Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::FmtDefault)