0.05 - 2024-04-10, H.Merijn Brand
* Remove unused requirement causing failure if not available
0.04 - 2024-04-08, H.Merijn Brand
* Strip WARNING if it prefixes the JSON data
* Opt to install cpan-cve.pl (issue #1)
* Pass verbosity from script to parser
* Fix version chain compare with multiple versions
* Suppress perl-core CVE's by default in cpan-cve.pl
* Cowardly give up if no NAME or DISTNAME found
* Allow multiple folders collected in JSON output
* It is 2024
* Update dependencies
0.03 - 2023-11-27, H.Merijn Brand
* Add ->want & ->set_meta
* Support test on a single script in cpan-cve.pl
* Use toolchain-gang URL
* Test for cpanfile
* Release
0.02 - 2023-06-27, H.Merijn Brand
* Tranfered authority to CPAN-Security
0.01 - 2023-05-05, H.Merijn Brand
* Initial release