0.22	- 21 Dec 2020, H.Merijn Brand
    * Try to make persist tests use more unique table names
    * Fix META issue for bugtracker

0.21	- 09 Apr 2020, H.Merijn Brand
    * It's 2020

0.20	- 02 Sep 2019, H.Merijn Brand
    * Require the correct module for YAML::Syck::Dump

0.19	- 27 Aug 2019, H.Merijn Brand
    * Don't skip the test, but do not require the feature
    * It's 2019
    * Support Sereal for (de-)serialization
    * Support JSON, JSON::Syck, YAML, YAML::Syck, XML::Dumper, FreezeThaw,
      and Bencode for (de-)serialization.
    * Streamlined the test suite
    * Doc updates
    * Provide cpanfile

0.18	- 30 Mar 2018, H.Merijn Brand
    * Skip test that is documented to fail on older versions of DBD::CSV

0.17	- 29 Mar 2018, H.Merijn Brand
    * It's 2017
    * Tested with perl-5.26.0
    * Fix tests for perl without dot in @INC
    * Document database restriction on idexed primary keys
    * It's 2018
    * Add support for DBD::MariaDB
    * Tested with perl-5.8.3 .. 5.27.9 & most recent DBD's

0.16	- 10 Oct 2015, H.Merijn Brand
    * Testing tables include test number
    * META changes from QAH

0.15	- 12 Feb 2015, H.Merijn Brand
    * Test used pack format "L>", wich is supported only in perl-5.10+

0.14	- 11 Feb 2015, H.Merijn Brand
    * SQLite does not like begin_work with trh => 1
    * Support other database field types from tie
    * Test more binary data (without Storable)
    * Note I gave up on Firebird
    * Up copyright to 2015
    * Move repo to github
    * Make utf8/data test for CSV reliable

0.13	- 02 May 2014, H.Merijn Brand
    * Shorten connect failure messages in test
    * Only skip SQLite/RV test if mismatch under Windows (Storable's fault)
    * Do not use getpwuid on Windows
    * Rename the test files for Tie::Array::DBD
    * Skip the slow bulk tests on Firebird for now
    * Document that deep changes are not working
    * Require perl-5.8.3
    * Ignore unsupported streamers by just returning the data (was undef)

0.12	- 30 Apr 2014, H.Merijn Brand
    * Amend tests to not fail when not an error
    * Amend tests to show driver version
    * Skip Firebird tests unless local or ISC_USER is set

0.11	- 29 Apr 2014, H.Merijn Brand
    * Up copyright to 2012
    * Up copyright to 2013
    * Fix some META issues
    * Up copyright to 2014
    * Add support for Firebird (not fully functional)

0.10	- 07 Sep 2011, H.Merijn Brand
    * NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL

0.09	- 07 Sep 2011, H.Merijn Brand
    * Up copyright to 2011
    * More cross-checks for META data

0.08	- 25 Jan 2011, H.Merijn Brand
    * Use Storable's nfreeze () instead of freeze ()
    * Add transaction support in Tie::Hash::DBD

0.07	- 06 Sep 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * More tests
    * Implementation of Tie::Array::DBD

0.06	- 10 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * Shorten skip messages for failing DBD's
    * Small fixes from CPANTESTERS

0.05	- 10 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * More speed
    * Make Unify work

0.04	- 09 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * Documentation
    * Raise Oracle BLOB read length
    * Implement and test persistence

0.03	- 09 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * Documentation
    * Make Oracle work (with restrictions)
    * Implement streaming (persistence)

0.02	- 05 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * Documentation
    * More database support
    * Tests for each database

0.01	- 04 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
    * Initial release