0.33 - 17 Apr 2012, H.Merijn Brand
* Upped Copyright to 2012
* Better protect against CPANTESTERS with non-Tk environment
0.32 - 07 Sep 2011, H.Merijn Brand
* NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL
0.31 - 07 Sep 2011, H.Merijn Brand
* More cross-checks for META data
0.30 - 12 May 2011, H.Merijn Brand
* Initialization fix (attributes can be passed to constructor as it has
always be intended)
* Upped Copyright to 2011
0.29 - 02 Aug 2010, H.Merijn Brand
* Spell-checking
* Added useInfo, infoColor, infoFormat, and infoFont
* timeFormat, dateFormat and infoFormat now all support all abbreviations
* Added timerValue and corresponding Hc, Mc, and Sc format entries
0.28 - 16 Mar 2010, H.Merijn Brand
* Allow to change backdrop while running
* Upped Copyright to 2010
* Dropped YAML spec to 1.0
0.27 - 18 May 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* Enabled backdrop
* Add useSecHand option
* Overhauled the documentation
0.26 - 20 Mar 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* replace ->_packMethod () with ->manager
* t/30_dual.t now allows resizing in grid
* examples/cdclock.pl now acts as I had in mind
* Added Test::NoWarnings
0.25 - 08 Mar 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* Vastly improved on resizing.
* Prefer autoScale => 1 over anaScale => 0
* Add examples/cdclock.pl (Lightning Talk countdown clock)
0.24 - 20 Jan 2009, H.Merijn Brand
* Wrong e-mail in META.yml
* Copyright 2009
* Guard cpantesters with $DISPLAY unset
0.23 - 21 Oct 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Added tgzdist make target
* Slightly changed the cover make target
* Allow yyyy in date formats
* Add `weird' TimeZones to examples/world.pl
* examples/station.pl can have reversed colors, is resizeable,
and the ticks don't touch the edges
0.22 - 02 Jan 2008, H.Merijn Brand
* Tk::Clock is now under git
* Upped copyright to 2008
* Added complete prereq list to Makefile.PL
0.21 - 09 Nov 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Added tickDiff attribute for width-diff of the ticks
* Added handCenter attribute (see examples/station.pl)
* Added examples/station.pl (Stations klok)
* Added countDown attribute and examples/countdown.pl
* Fixed auto-resize for clocks with digital disabled
* Tested with Tk-804.027_501+
0.20 - 08 Oct 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Added a 7-clocks wide example/world.pl
* And fixed the Time Zones in world.pl
* Raised requirement to 5.006, as I use our and recent Tk builds
require 5.007
0.19 - 08 May 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* LICENSE entry for MakeMaker only for newer versions
* Updated plans/TODO
* Updated Copyrights
* Moved pod to bottom
* Added timeZone support!
* Split up tests
* Loosened up the dateFormat and timeFormat attributes to
allow fixed text. Needs documentation!
* Added a test with three clocks side-by-side with different TZ's
0.18 - 27 Apr 2007, H.Merijn Brand
* Added cover make target
* Added auto-resize test. Still depends on user doing the resize
* Increased coverage. More coverage is doable, but it'll be a
booooring job to wait for the tests to finish
0.17 - 16 Nov 2006, H.Merijn Brand
* Missed one '.' in the format change (K.Wittrock)
* secsColor was missed in config attrib handling
* allow both -secsColor and secsColor
0.16 - 17 Oct 2006, H.Merijn Brand
* Default format for time HH.MM:SS => HH:MM:SS (wish K.Wittrock)
* Added digiAlign option. Default: "center" (wish K.Wittrock)
* $clock->coords (...) now used for the hands instead of
deleting and (re)creating them (suggestion K.Wittrock)
0.15 - 18 Sep 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* Added Test::Pod
* Added Test::Pod::Coverage
0.12 - 31 Aug 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* 24 Hour clock for Abe
* config () now returns the widget, so it's stackable
0.11 - 14 Aug 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* Resize reconfigured wrong widget
0.10 - 11 Aug 2005, H.Merijn Brand
* Solved digital clock misplacement when anaScale passed (Abeltje)
* Improved resizing
* Set geometry of parent if MainWindow
* Changed README and updated Copyright
* Added a warning for resizing and pack
* Changed the tests to use Test::More
* config now returns the widgets new geometry
0.07 - 03 Apr 2000, H.Merijn Brand
* Added 'w' and 'ww' for weeknumbers in dateFormat
* Added 'd' and 'dd' for day of the week in timeFormat (for Henry)
0.06 - 27 Sep 1999, H.Merijn Brand
* Analog clock now scalable (anaScale)
* Number of ticks configurable (tickFreq)
0.05 - 07 Apr 1999, H.Merijn Brand
* Updated the README
* Implemented ddd, dddd, mmm, mmmm (English only)
* Enabled \n in date format. If combined with empty time
format, formats like "dddd\nd mmm yyyy" can be used.
0.04 - 15 Dec 1998, H.Merijn Brand
* Changed README according to perlmodlib manpage
* Made date formats more Y2K reliable
dd-mm-yyy still doesn't fit in the allocated space
0.03 - 26 Aug 1998, H.Merijn Brand
* Analog/Digital part can be disabled.
0.02 - 22 Jul 1998, H.Merijn Brand
* Support date/time formats through config
0.01 - 20 Jul 1998, H.Merijn Brand
* First attempt to get it on the CPAN
* Added config ()
* minimized update of the text fields
0.00 - 09 Jun 1998, H.Merijn Brand
* First post to Achim, as excerpt from xamen.pl