package Catmandu::Iterator;

use Catmandu::Sane;

our $VERSION = '1.2020';

use Role::Tiny::With;
use namespace::clean;

with 'Catmandu::Iterable';

sub new {
    bless $_[1], $_[0];

sub generator {
    goto &{$_[0]};




=head1 NAME

Catmandu::Iterator - Base class for all Catmandu iterators


  package My::MockIterator;

  use Catmandu;
  use Moo;

  with 'Catmandu::Iterable';

  sub generator {
    sub {
        # Generator some random data
        +{ random => rand };

  package main;

  my $it = My::MockIterator->new;

  my $first = $it->first;

  $it->each(sub {
  my $item = shift;

  print $item->{random} , "\n";

  my $it2 = $it->map(sub { shift->{random} * 2 });

=head1 METHODS

=head2 generator

Should return a closure that generates one Perl hash.

=head1 INHERIT

If you provide a generator, then the class will generator all methods from L<Catmandu::Iterable>.

=head1 SEE ALSO

