Revision history for Catmandu-MARC
1.18 2017-07-22 11:46:52 CEST
- Adding skip_errors option in the importer and exporter
- More POD
- Added more examples to the Catmandu::MARC::Tutorial
1.171 2017-07-13 08:50:35 CEST
- Fixing 0 as false bug in marc_spec
1.17 2017-07-12 11:45:56 CEST
- Fixing 0 as false bug when using from/until
- Fixing double fix execution bug
- Using better subfield defaults for marc_set
- Adding 'marc_cut' fix
1.161 2017-07-06 14:36:29 CEST
- Fixing marc_replace_all evaluating search groups
1.16 2017-07-04 15:27:51 CEST
- Adding marc_copy (Carsten Klee) and marc_paste fix
1.15 2017-06-29 16:31:39 CEST
- Adding the marc_spec_has Fix Condition (Carsten Klee)
- Adding marc_replace_all fix
- Adding marc_append fix
1.14 2017-06-23 07:48:49 CEST
- Upgrading to Catmandu 1.06X
- Using the Catmandu::Fix::Bind::Group style for marc_each bind
1.13 2017-06-15 09:19:13 CEST
- Fixing join subfields per field correctly in marc_spec
1.12 2017-05-29 10:23:23 CEST
- Fixing missing space to caret translation in 008 fields for ALEPHSEQ exports
- Upgrading to latest MARC::File::XML
- Providing documenation on the MARC-in-JSON format
1.12 2017-05-29 10:23:23 CEST
- Fixing missing space to caret translation in 008 fields for ALEPHSEQ exports
- Upgrading to latest MARC::File::XML
- Providing documenation on the MARC-in-JSON format
1.11 2017-05-15 09:11:38 CEST
- Upgrading to MARC::Spec 1.0.0
- Fixing MARCspec Parser exception
- Fixing undef values when using $append and split
1.10 2017-05-02 11:48:37 CEST
- Adding support for nested_arrays and subspecs in marc_spec
1.09 2017-03-27 11:29:28 CEST
- Supporting forced arrays for $prepend, $append, $first, $last and any digits in the path
1.08 2017-03-06 09:55:53 CET
- Fixed broken $append mapping and added many more tests
- Adding a Wiki page with all mapping rules for marc_map and marc_spec
- Support dollar ($) to indicate subfields in marc_map
- Support period (.) to indicate a field wildard in marc_map
- Adding more tests
1.07 2017-03-01 09:03:25 CET
- A marc_map(...,...,pluck:1,split:1) will return *all* the subfields specified in the path (undef when they don't exist in the MARC)
1.06 2017-01-31 14:57:19 CET
- Adding support for inline marc_spec
- Updated POD
1.05 2017-01-19 16:05:10 CET
- Adding Carsten Klee's MARC::Spec contribution
- Adding Carsten as contributor
- Buffering record in XML exporter for better serialization speed
1.04 2017-01-18 09:23:26 CET
- Skipping new lines in ALEPHSEQ exports
1.03 2016-11-03 08:48:19 CET
- Adding a Catmandu::MARC::Tutorial
- Fixing a bug in the marc_has_many
1.02 2016-10-15 11:18:48 CEST
- Fixing bug when accessing subfields 0 in MARC
1.01 2016-09-27 16:35:19 CEST
- Bug version
1.00_03 2016-09-15 11:26:03 CEST
- Fixing dependency problems
- Deleting unused modules
- Fixing zero-padded tags treated as numbers bug
1.00_02 2016-09-14 14:20:47 CEST
- Making default MARC importer the same as default MARC exporter (ISO)
- Deprecation notice for USMARC
- Adding marc_has and marc_has_many fixes
1.00_01 2016-07-14 09:33:22 CEST
- Refactoring nearly all of the emit code into Catmandu::MARC module
- Deprecating Catmandu::Fix::Inline::marc_*
- Adding more pod
- The -record option isn't available anymore
- By default all marc_map will create a single array when using the split:1 option
- A 'nested_arrays' option to create a list of list when using split:1
- Fixing bug in searching for all subfields except...
- Adding references to MARC::Spec
0.219 2016-06-23 16:40:11 CEST
- Fixed importing from MARC as string in a Perl script
- Adding more POD
- Make all Catmandu::Fix inlineable
0.218 2016-06-14 14:05:32 CEST
- Fixing marc_map for inline fixes
0.217 2016-06-14 09:48:59 CEST
- Fixed dependency on Catmandu 1.0201 for Inlineable
0.216 2016-06-13 16:57:49 CEST
- Fixed indicator-2 selection bug
- Fixed marc_map value bug
- Support for the value in the inline fixes
- Fixing combinations of substring and split
- Fixing array in array bugs when using split and $append combinations
0.215 2016-02-22 09:57:07 CET
- Supporting ISO alias for USMARC importer and exporter
- Fixing MicroLIF importer
- Making Catmandu::MARC forwards compatible with Catmandu 1.0
- Adding a pretty option for XML
0.214 2015-11-03 11:46:22 CET
- Maintenance release skipping buggy Catmandu versions
0.213 2015-09-30 16:00:11 CEST
- Adding support for setting anf adding JSON paths
0.212 2015-09-29 11:07:13 CEST
- Fixed marc_each single execution bug
0.211 2015-08-31 16:17:42 CEST
- Fixed POD spelling
- Adding marc_each bind
0.210 2015-05-20 11:23:46 CEST
- Optimizing Aleph sequentials exports
- Fixed round tripping of Aleph sequential
- Fixing marc_in_json
- Adding support for marc_in_json back to catmandu marc mapping
0.209 2015-02-20 13:39:05 CET
- Fixed value feature
0.208 2015-02-04 20:16:39 CET
- Fixing CLI arguments and options bug #12
- Adding support for double encoded subfields
0.207 2015-01-09 10:02:48 CET
- Fixed: Parser "RAW" and fix "marc_map": got field content twice #12
- Removed double generator fix magic for command line support
0.206 2014-10-21 12:01:35 CEST
- Adding pluck support
0.205 2014-06-23 21:18:06 CEST
- Fixed collection bug in the MARC exporter
0.204 2014-06-11 07:41:39 BST
- Need Catmandu 0.9202 to get the delegations working properly
0.203 2014-05-30 17:37:37 CEST
- Adding marc_set fix
- Making marc_map and marc_set indicator aware
- Supporting deletion of subfields for marc_remove
- Fixing EOF bug in RAW importer
0.202 2014-05-29 19:46:40 CEST
- Fixing the catmandu command line fixes bug
0.201 2014-05-29 09:11:24 CEST
- Adding the MARC::Parser::RAW and updating the pod
0.2 2014-05-28 15:24:03 CEST
- Refactoring MARC import and export parsers and serializers
- Add importers for MARCMaker, MARC-in-JSON and MARC::Catmandu
- Add Lint based validator for USMARC
- Add exporters for USMARC, MARCMaker and MARC-in-JSON
0.117 2014-05-23 12:06:40 CEST
- Adding more documentation hints
- Fixing the marc_match (deleting temporary keys)
0.116 2014-05-23 09:31:14 CEST
- Switched to Dist::Milla
0.115 2014-05-22
- Fixed broken MANIFEST
0.114 2014-05-20
- Adding the if marc_match condition
0.112 2014-04-03
- Adding the new files to the manifest :-/
0.112 2014-04-03
- Adding the inline marc_remove fix
0.111 2014-03-19
- fixed marc_add test to reflect the correct number of tests
0.110 2014-03-18
- adding support for marc_add fixes
0.109 2014-03-14
- in response to popular request adding Aleph sequential export support
0.108 2014-03-11
- all Catmandu::Exporter::MARC methods should be instance and class methods to make marc_xml work
0.107 2014-03-04
- adding Robin Sheat as contributor
- bumping version to resolve verson conflict at CPAN
0.106 2014-03-03
- allow for non-standard system identifier fields
0.105 2014-02-11
- handle Aleph FMT tags
0.104 2013-12-20
- Exporter::MARC now skips also skips empty strings by default
- improved marc_map pod
0.103 2013-12-18
- Exporter::MARC skips undef (sub)fields by default
0.102 2013-12-10
- Importer::MARC skips empty fields
0.101 2013-12-04
- fix importer tests
0.1 2013-12-03
- consume MARC::Record objects
0.09 2013-10-31
- fixed export formatting bug
0.08 2013-09-27
- inline marc_map
0.07 2013-09-17
- fixed the underscore subfields in non-control fields
- adding backwards compatibility
0.06 2013-06-28
- marc_remove fix
- marc_map -split option
0.05 2013-06-19
- marc_map exclude subfields syntax
0.0401 2013-06-17
- remove given/when statements
0.04 2013-06-14
- faster marc_xml fix
0.0304 2013-03-26
- import confess
0.0303 2013-03-13
- fix MARCXML namespace
0.0302 2013-03-13
- fix perl version im marc_map test
0.0301 2013-03-12
- safe substr outside string in marc_map
0.03 2013-02-26
- compile marc_map fix
0.0201 2013-02-07
- fix dependencies
0.02 2013-02-05
- MARCXML exporter
- make MARC record key configurable everywhere
0.0109 2013-02-01
- fix MARC21 xml export
0.0108 2013-01-22
- fix leader in xml export
0.0107 2013-01-11
- fix creation of undef value with nonexisting $append key
0.0106 2012-11-09
- fix _id field value
0.0105 2012-10-10
- fix missing uppercase subfield datafield
0.0104 2012-10-09
- only allow alphanumeric fields in MARCXML export
- utf8 fixes
0.0103 2012-06-14
- add configurable identifier field (default 001)
- add virtual '_' to every field to make USMARC|MicroLIF|XML and ALEPHSEQ output equal
0.0102 2012-05-25
- fix indicator bug
0.0101 2012-05-16
- fix control field bug
0.01 2012-05-04
- initial release