Revision history for perl module MODS::Record
0.09 2015-04-01 13:18:23 CEST
- Downgrading cpanfile
0.08 2015-03-02
- Changed shelfLocation to shelfLocator
- Migrating to Dist::Milla
- Bumping version +
0.07 2013-08-08
- Changed 'defined-or' operators to 'or' operators to suport perl 5.8.X
0.06 2013-08-06
- Fixing UTF-8 handling of JSON
0.05 2013-08-05
- Adding Changes file
- Adding support for callback function in from_xml, from_json
0.04 2013-08-04
- Fixing test scripts based on CPAN feedback
0.03 2013-08-03
- Switching to Build.PL Scripts
- Fixing documentation
0.02 2013-08-03
- Adding a LICENSE
0.01 2013-08-02
- First release to CPAN