Revision history for Interchange6::Schema
0.031 Sat Apr 5 18:08:27 2014 CEST
* Use Test::DBIx::Class safely for RELEASE_TESTING only
(Peter Mottram, GH #63).
* Silence media test (Stefan Hornburg (Racke)).
0.030 Fri Apr 4 18:48:47 2014 CEST
* Extend path method from Product result class to use "type" parameter as
search option (Stefan Hornburg (Racke)).
* Overhaul media result classes (Marco Pessotto, GH #54, #59, #61).
* Add shipment result classes (Sam Batschelet, GH #57).
* Add basic schema sanity testing and fix result classes based on the
result (Peter Mottram, GH #56, #60).
* Added column payment_fee to PaymentOrder result class
(Marco Pessotto, GH #53).
* Fix missing size of foreign keys for country_iso_code.
Caused problems which PostgreSQL where columns ended up with size 1
(Stefan Hornburg (Racke)).
* Add unique constraint on zone in Result::Zone (Peter Mottram, GH #55).
* Bump up Perl requirement to 5.14 (Peter Mottram, GH #51).
0.020 Mon Mar 31 17:12:33 2014 CEST
* Switch to using single primary key for CartProduct result class
(Stefan Hornburg (Racke)).
* Add NavigationAttribute and NavigationAttributeValue result classes
(Sam Batschelet, GH #36).
* Add Zone, ZoneCountry and ZoneState result classes (Peter Mottram, GH #33).
* Add Role::Errors class (Peter Mottram, GH #33).
* Add Tax result and resultset class (Peter Mottram, GH #38).
* Add Component::Validation class (Peter Mottram, GH #48).
* Fix definition of numeric fields (Peter Mottram, GH #49).
* Reorganize classes in main POD.
0.019 Fri Mar 21 09:11:06 2014 CET
* Inflate data from datetime columns into DateTime objects, alongside
with tests for classes missing the inflation component (Peter Mottram).
* Change states_iso_code column to states_id foreign_key in Address
result class (Sam Batschelet).
* Make country_iso_code a foreign key in State result class
(Sam Batschelet).
* Add State and Country relationships to Address result class
(Sam Batschelet).
* Change name of primary_key for State result class to states_id
(Sam Batschelet).
* Prevent warning originating from find_variant method caused by missing
values in input (Stefan Hornburg (Racke)).
* Avoid DBIC::Storage::DBI::SQLite RT79576 by adding a prerequisite on
DBD::SQLite 1.38_01 (Peter Mottram).
0.018 Tue Mar 11 17:11:35 2014 CET
* Replace order_number with orders_id as foreign key for PaymentOrder and
Orderline resultsets.
* Remove shipping_method and tracking_number from Orderline resultset.
* Fix many_to_many relationships.
0.017 Mon Mar 10 01:00:54 2014 CET
* Increase size of sku column from 32 to 64 (GH #19, Šimun Kodžoman).
0.016 Sat Mar 8 18:32:53 2014 CET
* Remove tracking_number field from Order schema.
* Add methods find_attribute_value, update_attribute_value and
find_or_create_attribute to User result class.
* Move column descriptions for the Product resultset to the individual
0.015 Sun Feb 23 10:41:44 2014 CET
* Add users_id column to PaymentOrder result class.
* Add shipping_addresses_id column to Order result class.
* Fix User to Role many_to_many relationship (GH #15).
0.014 Sat Feb 15 15:52:37 2014 CET
* Add nickname column to User result class.
* Add created and last_modified columns to Product result class.
0.013 Mon Jan 27 14:25:43 2014 CET
* Change author column to author_users_id in Media result class and link it to User result class.
* Add canonical and Variant accessors to Product result class.
This implies is_nullable for canonical_sku column.
* Add UserAttributeValue result class.
* Add type, priority and dynamic column to Attribute result class.
* Add recommend, proper sku relationship and drop name from Review result class.
* Add has_many ProductAttribute relationship to Attribute result class.
* Add methods for adding, updating and deleting attributes to User result class.
* Add add_variants and find_variant method to Product result class.
* Let attributes_iterator method of Product result class return hash reference on request.
* Add selected column to output of attribute_iterator method.
* Return all attributes of children resp. sibling products from attribute_iterator method.
* Add attribute_iterator tests.
0.012 Tue Jan 7 16:07:29 2014 CET
* Rename when_added column of CartProduct result class to created.
* Add last_modified column to CartProduct result class.
* Add attribute_iterator method to Product result class.
* Add custom Session resultset with expire method.
0.011 Thu Jan 2 14:14:18 2014 CET
* Add Attribute, AttributeValue and ProductAttributeValue result classes.
* Change ProductValue result class.
* Remove ProductAttributes result class.
0.010 Fri Dec 27 13:24:45 2013 CET
* Use created and last_modified columns for Navigation result set
instead of entered.
* Rename zip column in Address result set to postal_code.
* Make order_number in PaymentOrder result class nullable.
* Add unique constraint on username.
* Add tests for Navigation result class and path method from Product
result class.
* Test password encryption.
* Add POD tests.
* Add documentation for records method in Populate classes.
* Fix is_nullable value in documentation of Cart result class.
0.009 Sat Dec 21 01:23:04 2013 CET
* Use datetime type for all created and last modified columns.
* Use set_on_update for all last_modified columns.
* Change uri and gtin in Product result class to allow NULL and require unique.
* Change weight to include two digits.
* Change column types for primary keys of Country and State result class.
* Add simple test for Address and Session result class.
0.008 Mon Dec 16 21:20:27 2013 EST
* Remove primary key country_iso_code from State resultset.
* Added command line parameters to interchange6-create-database. -Kaare Rasmussen
* Added StateLocale and CountryLocale populate classes.
* Add a few additional tests with State and Country resultset.
0.007 Thu Dec 12 09:30:25 2013 CET
* Remove ProductClass from Schema.
* Add a few more tests with Product and Country resultset.
* Add a list of resultsets to main POD.
* Add description to main POD.
0.006 Mon Dec 9 16:19:42 2013 CET
* Change primary key for Country resultset to country_iso_code.
* Change default value of show_states in Country resultset to false.
* Add State resultset.
* Make parent_id in Navigation resultset nullable.
Otherwise we can't add toplevel records because of the constraint
imposed by DBIx::Tree.
* Fix mismatch of POD for when_added column in CartProduct resultset (GH #4).
0.005 Sat Dec 7 20:59:04 2013 CET
* Change column parent in Navigation resultset to parent_id.
* Use Tree::AdjacencyList with Navigation resultset.
* Add Country and Review resultset.
* Add path method to Product resultset.
0.004 Sat Nov 30 14:47:13 2013 CET
* Allow NULL values for foreign keys users_id and sessions_id.
* Add missing primary key directive to CartProduct resultset.
* Use datetime type in CartProduct resultset.
0.003 Tue Nov 19 20:58:07 2013 CET
* Pass mysql_version to producer to avoid broken booleans (GH #1).
* Remove default value from sessions' last_modified column.
* Use datetime types in user resultset.
* Add simple schema test with DBICx::TestDatabase.
* Added EncodedColumn for password field.
0.002 Fri Nov 15 12:24:47 2013 CET
* Mark interchange6-create-database for install.
0.001 Fri Nov 15 10:31:02 2013 CET
* Initial release.