package Nitesi::Account::Manager; use strict; use warnings; use Moo; use Nitesi::Class; use Nitesi::Account::Password; use ACL::Lite 0.0002; =head1 NAME Nitesi::Account::Manager - Account Manager for Nitesi Shop Machine =head1 SYNOPSIS $account = Nitesi::Account::Manager->new(provider_sub => \&account_providers, session_sub => \&session); $account->init_from_session; $account->status(login_info => 'Please login before checkout', login_continue => 'checkout'); $account->login(username => '', password => 'nevairbe'); $account->logout(); if ($account->exists('')) { $account->password(username => '', password => 'nevairbe'); } $account->create(email => ''); # use this with caution! $account->become(''); =head1 DESCRIPTION Nitesi's account manager transparently handles multiple providers for authentication, account data and permissions checks. =head1 METHODS =head2 init Initializer called by instance class method. =cut has password_manager => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub {Nitesi::Account::Password->new;}, ); =head2 providers List with account providers. =cut has providers => ( is => 'ro', ); has session_sub => ( is => 'rw', lazy => 1, default => sub {sub {return 1;}}, ); sub BUILDARGS { my ($class, %args) = @_; my ($ret, @list, $init); $args{providers} = []; if ($args{provider_sub}) { # retrieve list of providers $ret = $args{provider_sub}->(); if (ref($ret) eq 'HASH') { # just one provider @list = ($ret); } elsif (ref($ret) eq 'ARRAY') { @list = @$ret; } # instantiate provider objects for $init (@list) { push @$init, 'crypt', Nitesi::Account::Password->new; push @{$args{providers}}, Nitesi::Class->instantiate(@$init); } delete $args{provider_sub}; } return \%args; } =head2 init_from_session Reads user information through session routine. =cut sub init_from_session { my $self = shift; $self->{account} = $self->{session_sub}->() || {uid => 0, username => '', roles => []}; $self->{acl} = ACL::Lite->new(permissions => $self->{account}->{permissions}); return; } =head2 login Perform login. Returns 1 in case of success and 0 in case of failure. Leading and trailing spaces will be removed from username and password in advance. =cut sub login { my ($self, %args) = @_; my ($success, $acct); $success = 0; # remove leading/trailing spaces from username and password $args{username} =~ s/^\s+//; $args{username} =~ s/\s+$//; $args{password} =~ s/^\s+//; $args{password} =~ s/\s+$//; my $id = 0; for my $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { if ($acct = $p->login(%args)) { $acct->{provider_id} = $id; $self->session_sub->('init', $acct); $self->{account} = $acct; $self->{acl} = ACL::Lite->new(permissions => $self->{account}->{permissions}, uid => $acct->{uid}); $success = 1; last; } $id++; } return $success; } =head2 logout Perform logout. B<Example:> $account->logout(); =cut sub logout { my ($self, %args) = @_; my ($provider); # log out if the user is authenticated, so skip it if uid is 0 (as # per doc of uid). if ($self->uid) { $provider = $self->{providers}->[$self->{account}->{provider_id}]; if ($provider->can('logout')) { $self->{providers}->[$self->{account}->{provider_id}]->logout; } delete $self->{account}; $self->{acl} = ACL::Lite->new; } $self->session_sub->('destroy'); } =head2 create Creates account and returns uid for the new account in case of success. B<Example:> $uid = $account->create(email => ''); The password is automatically generated unless you pass it to this method. B<Example:> $uid = $account->create(email => '', password => 'nevairbe'); =cut sub create { my ($self, %args) = @_; my ($password, $uid); # remove leading/trailing spaces from arguments for my $name (keys %args) { if (defined $args{$name}) { $args{$name} =~ s/^\s+//; $args{$name} =~ s/\s+$//; } } unless (exists $args{username} && $args{username} =~ /\S/) { $args{username} = lc($args{email}); } # password is added after account creation unless ($password = delete $args{password}) { $password = $self->password_manager->make_password; } for my $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { next unless $p->can('create'); if ($p->exists($args{username})) { die "Account already exists: ", $args{username}; } if ($uid = $p->create(%args)) { $self->password(username => $args{username}, password => $password); last; } } return $uid; } =head2 delete Delete account. B<Example:> $account->delete('333'); =cut sub delete { my ($self, $uid, $p); $self = shift; if (@_) { $uid = shift; } else { $uid = $self->uid; } for $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { if ($p->load($uid)) { return $p->delete($uid); } } return; } =head2 uid Retrieve user identifier of the current user, returns 0 if current user isn't authenticated. B<Example:> $account->uid(); =cut sub uid { my $self = shift; return $self->{account}->{uid} || 0; } =head2 username Retrieve username of the current user. Returns empty string if current user isn't authenticated. If you want to retrieve other user username, use $account->load. B<Example:> $account->username(); =cut sub username { my $self = shift; return $self->{account}->{username}; } =head2 roles Retrieve roles of current user. B<Example:> $account->roles(); =cut sub roles { my $self = shift; wantarray ? @{$self->{account}->{roles}} : $self->{account}->{roles}; } =head2 has_role Returns true if user is a member of the given role. B<Example:> if ($account->has_role('admin') { print "Congratulations, you are the admin" }; =cut sub has_role { my ($self, $role) = @_; grep {$role eq $_} @{$self->{account}->{roles}}; } =head2 permissions Returns permissions as hash reference: $perms = $account->permissions; Returns permissions as list: @perms = $account->permissions; =cut sub permissions { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{acl}->permissions; } =head2 status Helps you to redirect users properly on pages available only to authenticated users. B<Example:> Before login - Page available only if you are logged in (Step 1) You are not logged in. You are on a page which is available only to those logged in. You set the message for users not logged in and url of the page where you send them after successful login. $account->status(login_info => 'Please login before checkout', login_continue => 'checkout'); B<Example:> At Login page (Step 2) You retrieve the login message to make clear to user why they need to login (to access the page from step 1) $account->status('login_info'); B<Example:> After login (Step 3) Retrieve the login_continue URL and send user to that URL (using redirect or something similar). $account->status('login_continue'); =cut sub status { my ($self, @args) = @_; if (@args > 1) { # update status information $self->{account} = $self->session_sub->('update', {@args}); } elsif (@args == 1) { if (exists $self->{account}->{$args[0]}) { return $self->{account}->{$args[0]}; } else { return ''; } } } =head2 exists Check whether account exists. B<Example:> if ($account->exists('')) { print "Account exists\n"; } =cut sub exists { my ($self, $username) = @_; return unless defined $username && $username =~ /\S/; for my $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { if ($p->exists($username)) { return $p; } } } =head2 load Returns account data for a given uid as hash. B<Example:> $account->load('333'); =cut sub load { my ($self, $uid) = @_; my ($data); for my $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { if ($data = $p->load($uid)) { return $data; } } } =head2 password Changes password for current account: $account->password('nevairbe'); Changes password for other account: $account->password(username => '', password => 'nevairbe'); =cut sub password { my $self = shift; my ($provider, %args); if (@_ == 1) { # new password only unless ($self->{account}->{username}) { die "Cannot change password for anonymous user"; } $args{username} = $self->{account}->{username}; $args{password} = shift; } else { %args = @_; unless ($provider = $self->exists($args{username})) { die "Cannot change password for user $args{username}."; } } $provider->password($self->password_manager->password($args{password}), $args{username}); } =head2 acl ACL (Access list) check, see L<ACL::Lite> for details. B<Example:> if ( $account->acl( check => 'view_prices') { print "You can see prices"; } B<Example:> If you check multiple permissions at once, only one has to granted. The check will return the name of the first granted one in the list (left to right). if ( $account->acl( check => [ qw/admin luka/ ] ) { print "This is Luka's account. Only Luka and administrators can see it". } =cut sub acl { my ($self, $function, @args) = @_; if ($self->{acl}) { if ($function eq 'check') { $self->{acl}->check(@args); } } } =head2 value Retrieve or set account data. B<Example:> Retrieve city $city = $account->value( 'city'); B<Example:> Set city $city = $account->value( city => 'Ljubljana'); =cut sub value { my ($self, $name, $value) = @_; if (@_ == 3) { # update value my ($username, $provider); $username = $self->{account}->{username}; unless ($provider = $self->exists($username)) { die "Cannot change value $name for user $username."; } $provider->value($username, $name, $value); $self->{account} = $self->session_sub->('update', {$name => $value}); return $value; } if (exists $self->{account}->{$name}) { return $self->{account}->{$name}; } } =head2 last_login Returns time of last login (before the current one) in seconds since epoch or undef if provider doesn't supply this information. =cut sub last_login { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{account}->{last_login}; } =head2 become Become any user you want: $acct->become(''); Please use this method with caution. Some parts of the system (DBI, LDAP,...) may choose not to support this method. =cut sub become { my ($self, $username) = @_; my ($p, $acct); my $id = 0; for $p (@{$self->{providers}}) { if ($p->can('become')) { if ($acct = $p->become($username)) { $acct->{provider_id} = $id; $self->session_sub->('init', $acct); $self->{account} = $acct; $self->{acl} = ACL::Lite->new(permissions => $self->{account}->{permissions}, uid => $acct->{uid}); return 1; } } $id++; } } =head1 AUTHOR Stefan Hornburg (Racke), <> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2013 Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <>. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information. =cut 1;