Revision history for Template::Flute::PDF

0.0004  Wed May 25 14:02:56 2011 CEST


    * Pass current HTML tag to CSS object.

0.0003  Wed Apr 13 18:53:50 2011 CEST


    * Remove a lot of custom and/or obsolete code from Template::Flute::PDF class.
    * Add default margin of 20pt (top, left, right) resp. 50pt (bottom). 
    * Add implicit linebreaks for <li> tags.
	* Add html_base parameter.


    * Check against available content width in the text calculation.
    * Remove misplaced code for to_points function from POD.
    * Fix MANIFEST.

0.0002  Tue Mar 29 15:52:11 2011 CEST


    * Take width and height attributes from HTML <img> tag into account
      for calculating image box size.

0.0001  Sun Mar 13 15:40:50 2011 CET

    * Initial release.