Revision history for Perl extension Chess::PGN::EPD.

0.01  Fri Feb  8 11:52:56 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-A -X Chess::PGN::EPD
0.02  Fri Feb  8 17:06:00 2002
        - documentation patch, correct pod format in SYNOPSIS section
0.03  Fri Feb  8 23:32:17 2002
        - added epdset; allows user to specify the initial position for a game
	- patched bug associated with $debug parameter of epdlist (didn't work
	  since @moves eats all of @_, $debug was always undef)
0.04  Sat Feb  9 00:49:55 2002
        - documentation patch, correct reference to Chess::PGN::Parse (was
      Fri Feb 15 06:00:08 2002
        - added epdstr; converts an epd string into a variety of typeset positions
	- greatly expanded documentation
0.05  Fri Feb 15 15:27:33 2002
        - fixed bug, needed to parse moves of form 6e5 because author of ChessPad thought there
	  was a need to dis-ambiguate the move
      Sun Feb 17 13:47:56 2002
        - documentation patch, remove dummy comment from README