Revision history for MariaDB-NonBlocking
0.12 2017-10-24
* Pakket.json specfile
0.11 2017-10-19
* Options to Makefile.PL for the default database
to test in.
* Test files!
* Further streamlined the API
* Fixed several bugs related to error conditions
* Report the rows affected on update/create
and probably delete.
0.10 2017-10-13
* cast values so that mysql ints actually show
up as Perl IVs
0.09 2017-10-13
* Look for headers/libraries in MariaDB-specific
paths before going for the more generic ones.
0.08 2017-10-12
* Added a plain eventloop implementation, and
then reimplemented the promises version as a
thin wrapper of that.
* Simplified the API; now there are only three
methods (connect, run_query, ping) which are
called on connections, rather than class
methods that got called on pools of connections.
0.07 2017-09-13
* DESTROY() will now reject all pending promises.
* AnyEvent::detect() will be called before the first
query, assuming nothing else called it first.
0.06 2017-09-06
* Work with AnyEvent, and utilize less watchers if
we can -- mostly if we are using EV.
0.05 2017-08-31
* want_hashrefs was returning read-only undefs
0.04 2017-07-31
* Copy the query string more aggressively, driver will not copy it.
0.03 2017-07-31
* Leftover debugging statement
0.02 2017-07-31
* ->run_query_start() can now take query params
* ->run_query_start() may optionally return an arrayref of hashrefs
0.01 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.