Revision history for Perl extension DTL::Fast.
1.617 - Sun 29 Mar 2015
- Implemented DTL::Fast::count_lines function in C, counts newline symbols in the string
- Implemented proper lines counting for multi-line syntax constructions, fixes #64
- for tag now dies with pretty message on duplicate empty tag
- Uknown filter and tag now shows error environment, fixes #63
- Undefined time value in date filter treated as 0, fixes #61
- Implemented dump, dump_html and dump_warn tags for dumping context variables in different ways, fixes #68
- warn tag removed in favor of dump_warn
- Added variable name validation and restrictions, fixes #62
1.616 - Sun 22 Mar 2015
- Updated Escape::XS version requirement to 0.12
1.615 - Sat 21 Mar 2015
- Improved error message on undisclosed/unknown tags, with source line numbers support
- Reverted Escape::XS mapping, not working on windows (no idea why)
1.613 - Sat 21 Feb 2015 14:15 MSK
- implemented html_protect in C, test performance increased 17%, fixes #32
- internal context access optimisation, total performance increase 30%
- variable context access optimisation for simple variables, total increase 36%
- shortcuted escape/unescape functions to URI::Escape::XS
- DTL::Fast::Utils::as_bool method now works without additional functions calls
- Implemented and documented eval_sequence method
- Documented custom tags creation, fixes #12
- Documented custom filters creation, fixes #13
1.612 - Sun 15 Feb 2015 18:40 MSK
- Fixed timeuntil test race condition, thanks to @eserte, fixes #59
- Implemented dynamic inheritance. You may now extend with context, fixes #9
- Redundant serialized cache removed from templating system. Only runtime and custom now.
- Added block_super tag and {{ block.super }} support, fixes #52
1.611 - Sun 15 Feb 2015 11:44 MSK
- stringformat now treats undef values as empty strings
- fixed bug with crashing on error messging with "undef in sprintf" error, fixes #57
- logical operators now behaves properly. Second operand evaluated only if first is not enough, fixes #25
- upper and lower filters treats undef as an empty string
- implemented split filter (experimental)
- implemented sprintf tag (experimental)
1.609 - Wed 11 Feb 2015 21:38 MSK
- Dynamic filters loading implemented, fixes #16
- Dynamic operators loading implemented, fixes #19
- Custom operators introduced
- Documented some additional filters
- Fixed bug with locale-specific string operations: cmp, lt, gt, upper, lower, capfirst, dictsort
1.608 - Tue 10 Feb 2015 19:09 MSK
- Removed unsafe map usage in complicated loops
- Fixed bug with spaceless closing tags `endcomment` and `endverbatim`
1.606 - Mon 09 Feb 2015 16:23 MSK
- SSI tag behavior now is like in Django, fixes #26
- ifchanged tag is now rendered on the first pass
- ifchanged tag can now work without parameters (watching rendered content); not recommended, bad performance
- new tag - warn
- fixed bug with slicing indexes outside the array boundaries
- implemented dynamic tags loading and preloading registering with register_tag, fixes #18
- replaced some redundant methods with direct perl API calls
- documented numberformat filter, fixes #10
1.605 - Wed 28 Jan 2015 18:27 MSK
- Fixed spaces between equals in 'with' tag. Now tags may be multiline, fixes #7
- Fixed filters behavior in with tag, if constant strings being used in assignment, fixes #8
- Blocks now can be multi-line
1.604 - Tue 27 Jan 2015 20:18 MSK
- Fixed bug when expression fails if variable name contains operator
- Load tag is now accepts package names with or without quotes
1.602 - Sun 25 Jan 2015 20:18 MSK
- Implemented and tested include .. with tag
1.05.6 - 2015-01-22
- Removed changes from pod documentation
- Fixed lvalue test for perl 5.10
1.05.5 - 2015-01-21
- Changes file cleanup
- Added filter numberformat, formats number like 12 345 678.9999999
- Added DTL::Fast::Utils::is_lvalue method to check if method is lvalue.
Lvalue methods in context being invoked without context argument.
- Fixed bugs with spaces in variables and filters
1.05.4 - 2015-01-20
- Unknown block warning now displays template filename
- Spaces in control blocks are not mandatory
1.05.3 - 2015-01-20
- Context trying to traverse objects like hash if there is no method
1.05.2 - 2015-01-19
- Fixed bug in C spaceless implementation for linux
- Moved inheritance part into Template constructor
- Fixed bug with inheritance + blocks extension
- Fixed bug with logic on arrays/hashes/scalars reference, object method
as_bool support added. Tested.
- Fixed bug with setting value to undef using DTL::Fast::Context::set
- Fixed bug with inheritance path.
- Implemented cache validation. Speed now is comparable to Dotiac::DTL
- Made dirs parameter optional for Template constructor, but it's still
mandatory for get_template/select_template
- Implemented cache classes:
- New dependencies added: Compress::Zlib, Digest::MD5
- Added Perl::Critic testing, complies level 4.
- Implemented C realization of spaceless tag.
1.04 - 2015-01-14
- Taken date function from Dotiac::DTL to DTL::Fast::Utils::time2str_php
- `now` tag and `date` filter now works with time2str_php function (like Django itself)
- Implemented strftime filter, which works with Date::Format str2time.
- Added Russian version of pluralize filter:
use DTL::Fast;
use DTL::Fast::Filter::Ru::Pluralize; # this will override default pluralize with Russian version.
- Refactored strings backup and parametrized filters.
- `block` and `extends` tags now works as tags.
- New dependency added: Storable
1.03 - 2015-01-13
- Tested with CentOS & Perl 5.10
- Lowered Perl version requirement to 5.10
- Changed implicit split to explicit in wordcount filter (v5.10 considers it depricated).
- Added exception on missing parent template in extends tag.
- Added exception on missing included template in include tag.
- Added exception on recursive inheritance (extends tag).
- Added exception on recursive inclusion (include tag).
1.02 - 2015-01-10
- changed some intermediate getters to direct access. Improved rendering performance by 10%.
- added tests for performance measuring and profiling (see timethese directory).
1.01 - 2015-01-09
- fixed bug with add filter repeated usage.
1.00 - 2015-01-09
- First release
0.01 Sun Dec 28 18:36:48 2014
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX DTL::Fast