Revision history for Perl module Class::Declare::Attributes
# $Id: Changes,v 1.5 2007-05-01 17:21:19 ian Exp $

0.04  Tue May  1 18:21:12 2007
  - reworked the handling of attributes
  - ensured attributes aren't assigned if the class is not in strict mode
  - added a require() method for loading C::D::A classes at run-time

0.03	Mon Jun 16 11:39:05 2003
	- changed Makefile.PL to include dependency on Test::Exception v0.15 for
	  lives_and() support.

0.02	Mon Jun 15 23:46:56 2003
	- added support for the Class::Declare class and instance attribute
	  modifiers rw() and ro().

0.01	Fri Jun  6 14:43:20 2003
	- initial Class::Declare::Attributes release