Revision history for Brannigan
0.7 2010-07-23 20:02:18 Asia/Jerusalem
- Added some info about the required() validation method
- Added a new validation method: is_true()
0.6 2010-07-23 11:48:14 Asia/Jerusalem
- Fixed bug where the required() validation failed erroneously when value was false
0.5 2010-07-16 16:23:32 Asia/Jerusalem
- Fixed bug where an empty hash-ref was returned in the rejects hashref
for array type parameters
- Some more documentation restructures
0.4 2010-07-14 19:00:25 Asia/Jerusalem
- Small bug fixes
- Restructured and expanded modules documentation
- Completed the examples POD page
0.3 2010-07-06 19:33:16 Asia/Jerusalem
- Added support for complex data structures (hash-refs and array-refs with nesting support)
- Added support for default values/methods
- Added support for creating rules for parameters based on regular expressions (both in 'params' and in 'groups')
- Added support for the '_all' meta-parameter
- Created a test for complex data schemes
- Removed the datetime() validation, it didn't work
- Fixed bug where required parameters that weren't provided weren't added to the rejects list
- Fixed bug where the forbidden rule didn't tramp on inherited required rules (and vica versa)
- Heavily modified and updated the documentation of the modules
- Added an examples POD page
- Various bug fixes
- Added the one_of validation method
- Modified every length related validation methods to support array references
0.2 2010-06-26 04:00:53 Asia/Jerusalem
- Fixed some stupid documentation mistakes.
0.1 2010-06-26 03:56:58 Asia/Jerusalem
- Initial release