Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::View::Tenjin
0.050001 2011-03-31 20:51:54 Asia/Jerusalem
- Added version number to Helper::View::Tenjin to prevent CPAN index failure
0.050 2011-03-31 20:46:42 Asia/Jerusalem
- Adapted for changes to Tenjin (this is basically just an encoding change)
- Created tests, adapted from Catalyst::View::TT's test suite
0.042 2010-08-06 22:20:04 Asia/Jerusalem
- Updated to reflect changes in Tenjin
- Migrated distribution to use Dist::Zilla
0.041 2010-02-25 00:35:00
- Helper module creates a Moose-based view
0.04 2010-02-24 19:00:00
- Created a helper module so views can be created with
- Moved to ExtUtils::MakeMaker for the Makefile
- Cleaned distro files, added MANIFEST.SKIP and new basic tests
0.03 2010-02-18 12:35:00
- Updated for compatibility with the new Tenjin 0.05
- Not backwards compatible with pre-0.05 versions of Tenjin
0.02 2009-08-01 00:00:00
0.01 2009-07-27 00:00:00
- Initial release.