Revision history for Dancer-Template-Tenjin
0.4 2010-08-06 21:44:45 Asia/Jerusalem
- Updated module to reflect changes in Dancer
- Added a simple test (thanks to Franck Cuny)
- Fixed bug where path to template directory was not set as an array-ref
- Module catches rendering errors with Try::Tiny (and rethrows them)
- Migrated distribution to use Dist::Zilla
0.3 2010-02-22, 14:45:00
- Removed boilerplate test, it's only a starters test
- Entered filter for manifest.t to ignore .git folder
- Removed PREREQ_PM for Dancer::ModuleLoader, it's included in Dancer core
- Removed "use Dancer::ModuleLoader" and ModuleLoader loading of Tenjin
(should only be used for things in Dancer core)
- Added simple "use Tenjin" to get compile-time benefits and correct usage
- Replaced ignore.txt with .gitignore
0.2 2010-02-19, 22:20:00
- Added prerequisites for the Makefile
- Added pod documentation for the module's methods
0.1 2010-02-18, 12:35:00
- Initial version with support for tenjin template files.