2017-02-18 11:42 git
        * Large breaking upgrade to make it compatible with current
          WordPress versions. Obselete functions removed, new ones added. 

2009-12-17 12:33  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pod,
	  t/04_XMLRPC_page.t: There was an error with the
	  code/documentation for editPage() Now editPage() will take
	  content hashref as first arg, and publish boolean as second
	  optional arg- OR it will take page id, content hashref, and
	  optional 'publish boolean' arg.

	  From Alan Haggai Alavi "..Error with editPage(). It accepts three
	  arguments instead of two.  The attached patch seems to.." Thanks!

2009-10-29 20:58  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pod, t/18_media.t,
	  t/media.jpg: Added test and help to upload media.  Added a help
	  sub to turn a file on disk to the data struct required (bits,

2009-09-25 09:55  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, t/00_basic.t, t/02_XMLRPC.t,
	  t/04_XMLRPC_page.t, t/04_XMLRPC_post.t, t/10_XMLRPC.t.optional,
	  t/11_category.t, t/12_categories.t, t/14_options.t,
	  t/15_templates.t, t/16_tags.t, t/17_comments.t, t/test.pl: Made
	  sure some tests skip out if ENV FULLTESTING is set to 0- or if
	  t/wppost is not present.  Fixed bug in test 12.

2009-09-09 14:59  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pod: Fixed up documentation formatting.

2009-09-09 11:37  cvs

	* Makefile.PL, README, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm,
	  lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pod, t/11_category.t, t/11_category_new.t,
	  t/13_newmethods_in_new_xmlrpcversion.pl, t/14_options.t,
	  t/15_templates.t, t/16_tags.t, t/17_comments.t,
	  t/analize_xmlrpc.pl, t/wppost: Made major update, included many
	  new xml rpc calls that were not available when this module was
	  first built.	New methods:	deleteCategory deleteComment
	  editComment getComment getCommentCount    getCommentStatusList
	  getComments getOptions getPageStatusList    getPageTemplates
	  getPostStatusList getTags newComment setOptions

	  This has been updated to match the xmlrpc.php file included with;
	  wordpress v 2.8.4

2009-08-29 19:04  cvs

	* Makefile.PL, README, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm: Made sure that
	  perl/gpl license shows up properly.

2008-07-28 17:25  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, t/12_categories.t: added getCategory(),
	  this was philosophically hard.. because there was no getCategory
	  method in xmlrpc.php ... but it is very useful.

2008-07-28 09:31  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, t/11_category_new.t: Fixed newCategory
	  It was suggesting argument is string but it should have  been
	  hash ref, now checks that the hash ref contains at least 'name'

2008-06-25 11:19  cvs

	* Changes, MANIFEST: added changefile

2008-06-25 11:18  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm: Added extra argument checking, now if
	  you pass a scalar or hash instead of a hash ref when needed, we
	  croak about it.  Someone contacted me trying to pass a hash
	  instead of a hash ref to newPost().

2008-06-25 07:47  cvs

	* Makefile.PL, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, t/00_basic.t,
	  t/02_XMLRPC.t, t/04_XMLRPC_page.t, t/04_XMLRPC_post.t,
	  t/10_XMLRPC.t.optional, t/11_category_new.t, t/12_categories.t:
	  Took out usage of Smart::Comments, some people were having
	  trouble with deps.

2008-06-20 11:09  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm: updated documentation

2008-06-19 15:01  cvs

	* lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm, t/11_category_new.t, t/12_categories.t:
	  testing out newCategory, but it fails. I think WordPress has a

2008-02-01 19:33  cvs

	* MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, t/00_basic.t, t/02_XMLRPC.t,
	  t/04_XMLRPC_page.t, t/04_XMLRPC_post.t, t/10_XMLRPC.out,
	  t/10_XMLRPC.t.optional, t/analize_xmlrpc.pl, t/test.pl, t/wppost,
	  t/xmlrpc.php, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm: Initial revision

2008-02-01 19:33  cvs

	* MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, README, t/00_basic.t, t/02_XMLRPC.t,
	  t/04_XMLRPC_page.t, t/04_XMLRPC_post.t, t/10_XMLRPC.out,
	  t/10_XMLRPC.t.optional, t/analize_xmlrpc.pl, t/test.pl, t/wppost,
	  t/xmlrpc.php, lib/WordPress/XMLRPC.pm: init import