Revision history for the WebFetch modules for Perl5
- converted the following modules to support Embedding API:
DebianNews, General
- removed fetch_main function from the derived modules; now
handles this for all of them. (This is a partial fix for a problem
with embedding more than one WebFetch module at a time, reported by
Joey Hess of the Debian Project.)
- fixed pod formatting problem in Embedding API docs
0.10 Wed Sep 15 01:23:53 PDT 1999
- added WebFetch Embedding API (added over 850 lines to
- XML::Parser added as a build-time dependency
- the Slashdot and LinuxToday modules now fetch their news via XML
- converted the following modules to support Embedding API:
CNETnews, CNNsearch, COLA, Freshmeat, SiteNews, Slashdot
(upcoming releases will convert more until all are done)
- modules with the Embedding API can now all export in WebFetch, XML
or RDF output formats
0.09 Sun Aug 15 03:56:47 PDT 1999
- added XML fetching for WebFetch::Slashdot, patch by Dan Sully
- added WebFetch::LinuxTelephony, contributed by Greg Youngblood
- added WebFetch::LinuxDevNet
- added WebFetch::32BitsOnline
0.08 Sun Aug 1 22:58:48 PDT 1999
- added WebFetch::DebianNews, contributed by Chuck Ritter
- updated TODO with plans for site configuration, and
prioritization notes about what's required for WebFetch 1.0
- added --noshuffle to WebFetch::COLA
- updated WebFetch core docs, moved style parameter docs to command line
0.07 Tue Jul 6 05:50:29 PDT 1999
- obsoleted WebFetch::EGAuthors because eGroups changes their site too
often to keep up with (and has no direct news-export support)
- added WebFetch::CNETnews, contributed by Jamie Heilman
- updated WebFetch::CNNsearch to allow keyword-only searches.
This became necessary when a Linux story got on all the
"in other news" pages at CNN and suddenly all pages on CNN
matched a search for Linux. This release also fixed a bug
with non-Linux searches, reported by Jamie Heilman.
- New --style command line option was added to control the internal
HTML style parameter. Some new style strings were added
(notable, bullet)
0.06 Tue May 4 17:00:01 PDT 1999
- updated WebFetch::EGAuthors for formatting changes all over their
site on May 1
- updated WebFetch::CNNsearch for formatting changes in their
search engine on May 4
0.05 Sun Apr 11 00:00:00 PDT 1999
- added experimental WebFetch::PerlStruct
0.04 Thu Apr 8 18:51:29 PDT 1999
- modified WebFetch::Slashdot so it can get headlines
and any other Slashdot-compatible site
- updated module dependencies in Makefile.PL (was missing Date::Calc
for WebFetch::SiteNews)
- added WebFetch::CNNsearch module
- added WebFetch::COLA module
- added --font_size and --font_face to WebFetch (all command lines)
- default WebFetch::General format now uses "title" instead of "text"
- fixed bad RE flags in WebFetch::General, captures more than one
field correctly now
0.03 Sun Mar 21 22:22:03 PST 1999
- added documentation to WebFetch::General
- updated --ns_export capability when Netscape switched to use RDF
- fixed off-by-one error in WebFetch::SiteNews short news output
0.02 Fri Jan 15 02:33:34 PST 1999
- fixed a typo
- added WebFetch::General module to read WebFetch::wf_export format
- added webfetch-pb.gif "powered by" image
- added documentation to WebFetch::SiteNews
- added --ns_export (MyNetscape export)
0.01 Mon Jan 11 02:56:15 PST 1999
- original version
(Though this is the first beta of WebFetch, this is a second
generation of code used to handle web-gathered news by SVLUG)