Revision history for Perl module YAHC

0.027 2016-07-16 IKRUGLOV
    - new backoff_delay feature
    - new lifetime_timeout feature
    - *change in behaivor* - in case of internal error, exception in
      callback or expiration of lifetime_timeout callback is called with
      TERMINAL_ERROR bit set in $error. In this case all further attempt to
      retry or reinit connection are ignored and the connection goes to
      COMPLETED state unconditionally. Previous behaivor was that a connection
      silently terminates.
    - *change in behaivor* - give all timeouts the highest priorities in event
      loop. This provides stonger timeout guarantee but can cause timeouts in
      border cases which didn't happen before.
    - *change in behaivor* - when connection failed all retry attempts report
      error condition with new error YAHC::Error::RETRY_LIMIT instead of
    - rename YAHC::State::WAIT_SYNACK to YAHC::State::CONNECTING
    - improved tests
    - improved docs

0.026 2016-07-14 IKRUGLOV
    - improved docs
    - account_for_signals
    - experimental support of socket_cache
    - expose break() method
    - warn if UTF8 flagged payload detected
    - tests improvments

0.025 2015-12-04 IKRUGLOV
    - yahc_retry_conn()
    - move t/requests.t to live tests

0.024 2015-11-13 IKRUGLOV
    - fix failing tests

0.023 2015-11-12 IKRUGLOV
    - bug fix

0.022 2015-11-11 IKRUGLOV
    - new tests
    - minor performance optimizations

0.021 2015-11-06 IKRUGLOV
    - passing host to YAHC->new didn't work
    - ignore extention when parsing chunked encoding
    - minor improvments

0.019 2015-09-28 IKRUGLOV
    - chunked encoding support

0.018 2015-07-03 IKRUGLOV
    - SSL support
    - update EV's time before setting a timer
    - compatibility fixes
    - other minor changes

0.017 2015-05-25 IKRUGLOV
    - registering a error includes a record in timeline
    - check stop condition after going into CONNECTED state
    - improve test
    - add test into build
    - remove active_connections()

0.016 2015-05-19 IKRUGLOV
    - add active_connections()
    - minor fixes
    - tests and benchmarks

0.015 2015-05-12 IKRUGLOV
    - yahc_conn_attempts_left
    - set the lowest priority to timers
    - compatibility fixes

0.014 2015-05-11 IKRUGLOV
    - move benchmark files into 'benchmark' directory
    - handle case where body is 0 (int)
    - change response interface to use same fields as Hijk uses (headers => head, status_code => status)
    - change format of error messages
    - new tests

0.013 2015-05-?? IKRUGLOV
    - Added github repo to the dist metadata and the doc
    - Added this Changes file