Revision history for Perl extension RabbitFoot
- Separate AnyEvent::RabbitMQ from Net::RabbitFoot.
- Avoid (additional) issues when in global destruction.
- Do not set reply_to to an empty string in the header frame.
- Implement basic.reject (requires RabbitMQ >= 2.0.0).
- Store server properties in the object for easy server product
and sever version access.
- Shutdown the AnyEvent handle using push_shutdown.
- Be more careful in DESTROY blocks.
1.02 Wed Jun 30 11:35:32 2010
- Fix errors in global destruction due to destruction order being
- Fix bug if you call ->close on a Net::RabbitFoot instance which
is not already connected. Previously this would never return.
1.01 Sun Mar 18 07:21:58 2010
- fix bugs.
- support channel.flow.
1.00 Fri Mar 5 11:30:00 2010
- fix module name.
0.01 Sun Dec 6 20:54:03 2009
- original version