package SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; =head1 NAME SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL - parser for MySQL =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Translator; use SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL; my $translator = SQL::Translator->new; $translator->parser("SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL"); =head1 DESCRIPTION The grammar is influenced heavily by Tim Bunce's "mysql2ora" grammar. Here's the word from the MySQL site ( CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name [(create_definition,...)] [table_options] [select_statement] or CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] tbl_name LIKE old_table_name; create_definition: col_name type [NOT NULL | NULL] [DEFAULT default_value] [AUTO_INCREMENT] [PRIMARY KEY] [reference_definition] or PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name,...) or KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or INDEX [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or UNIQUE [INDEX] [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or FULLTEXT [INDEX] [index_name] (index_col_name,...) or [CONSTRAINT symbol] FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...) [reference_definition] or CHECK (expr) type: TINYINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or SMALLINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or MEDIUMINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or INT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or INTEGER[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or BIGINT[(length)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or REAL[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or DOUBLE[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or FLOAT[(length,decimals)] [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or DECIMAL(length,decimals) [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or NUMERIC(length,decimals) [UNSIGNED] [ZEROFILL] or CHAR(length) [BINARY] or VARCHAR(length) [BINARY] or DATE or TIME or TIMESTAMP or DATETIME or TINYBLOB or BLOB or MEDIUMBLOB or LONGBLOB or TINYTEXT or TEXT or MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT or ENUM(value1,value2,value3,...) or SET(value1,value2,value3,...) index_col_name: col_name [(length)] reference_definition: REFERENCES tbl_name [(index_col_name,...)] [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL] [ON DELETE reference_option] [ON UPDATE reference_option] reference_option: RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL | NO ACTION | SET DEFAULT table_options: TYPE = {BDB | HEAP | ISAM | InnoDB | MERGE | MRG_MYISAM | MYISAM } or ENGINE = {BDB | HEAP | ISAM | InnoDB | MERGE | MRG_MYISAM | MYISAM } or AUTO_INCREMENT = # or AVG_ROW_LENGTH = # or [ DEFAULT ] CHARACTER SET charset_name or CHECKSUM = {0 | 1} or COLLATE collation_name or COMMENT = "string" or MAX_ROWS = # or MIN_ROWS = # or PACK_KEYS = {0 | 1 | DEFAULT} or PASSWORD = "string" or DELAY_KEY_WRITE = {0 | 1} or ROW_FORMAT= { default | dynamic | fixed | compressed } or RAID_TYPE= {1 | STRIPED | RAID0 } RAID_CHUNKS=# RAID_CHUNKSIZE=# or UNION = (table_name,[table_name...]) or INSERT_METHOD= {NO | FIRST | LAST } or DATA DIRECTORY="absolute path to directory" or INDEX DIRECTORY="absolute path to directory" A subset of the ALTER TABLE syntax that allows addition of foreign keys: ALTER [IGNORE] TABLE tbl_name alter_specification [, alter_specification] ... alter_specification: ADD [CONSTRAINT [symbol]] FOREIGN KEY [index_name] (index_col_name,...) [reference_definition] A subset of INSERT that we ignore: INSERT anything =head1 ARGUMENTS This parser takes a single optional parser_arg C<mysql_parser_version>, which provides the desired version for the target database. Any statement in the processed dump file, that is commented with a version higher than the one supplied, will be stripped. The default C<mysql_parser_version> is set to the conservative value of 40000 (MySQL 4.0) Valid version specifiers for C<mysql_parser_version> are listed L<here|SQL::Translator::Utils/parse_mysql_version> More information about the MySQL comment-syntax: L<> =cut use strict; use warnings; our $VERSION = '1.59'; our $DEBUG; $DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG; use Data::Dumper; use Storable qw(dclone); use DBI qw(:sql_types); use SQL::Translator::Utils qw/parse_mysql_version ddl_parser_instance/; use base qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(parse); our %type_mapping = (); use constant DEFAULT_PARSER_VERSION => 40000; our $GRAMMAR = << 'END_OF_GRAMMAR'; { my ( $database_name, %tables, $table_order, @table_comments, %views, $view_order, %procedures, $proc_order ); my $delimiter = ';'; } # # The "eofile" rule makes the parser fail if any "statement" rule # fails. Otherwise, the first successful match by a "statement" # won't cause the failure needed to know that the parse, as a whole, # failed. -ky # startrule : statement(s) eofile { { database_name => $database_name, tables => \%tables, views => \%views, procedures => \%procedures, } } eofile : /^\Z/ statement : comment | use | set | drop | create | alter | insert | delimiter | empty_statement | <error> use : /use/i NAME "$delimiter" { $database_name = $item[2]; @table_comments = (); } set : /set/i not_delimiter "$delimiter" { @table_comments = () } drop : /drop/i TABLE not_delimiter "$delimiter" drop : /drop/i NAME(s) "$delimiter" { @table_comments = () } bit: /(b'[01]{1,64}')/ | /(b"[01]{1,64}")/ string : # MySQL strings, unlike common SQL strings, can be double-quoted or # single-quoted. SQSTRING | DQSTRING nonstring : /[^;\'"]+/ statement_body : string | nonstring insert : /insert/i statement_body(s?) "$delimiter" delimiter : /delimiter/i /[\S]+/ { $delimiter = $item[2] } empty_statement : "$delimiter" alter : ALTER TABLE table_name alter_specification(s /,/) "$delimiter" { my $table_name = $item{'table_name'}; die "Cannot ALTER table '$table_name'; it does not exist" unless $tables{ $table_name }; for my $definition ( @{ $item[4] } ) { $definition->{'extra'}->{'alter'} = 1; push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'constraints'} }, $definition; } } alter_specification : ADD foreign_key_def { $return = $item[2] } create : CREATE /database/i NAME "$delimiter" { @table_comments = () } create : CREATE TEMPORARY(?) TABLE opt_if_not_exists(?) table_name '(' create_definition(s /,/) /(,\s*)?\)/ table_option(s?) "$delimiter" { my $table_name = $item{'table_name'}; die "There is more than one definition for $table_name" if ($tables{$table_name}); $tables{ $table_name }{'order'} = ++$table_order; $tables{ $table_name }{'table_name'} = $table_name; if ( @table_comments ) { $tables{ $table_name }{'comments'} = [ @table_comments ]; @table_comments = (); } my $i = 1; for my $definition ( @{ $item[7] } ) { if ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'field' ) { my $field_name = $definition->{'name'}; $tables{ $table_name }{'fields'}{ $field_name } = { %$definition, order => $i }; $i++; if ( $definition->{'is_primary_key'} ) { push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'constraints'} }, { type => 'primary_key', fields => [ $field_name ], } ; } } elsif ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'constraint' ) { push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'constraints'} }, $definition; } elsif ( $definition->{'supertype'} eq 'index' ) { push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'indices'} }, $definition; } } if ( my @options = @{ $item{'table_option(s?)'} } ) { for my $option ( @options ) { my ( $key, $value ) = each %$option; if ( $key eq 'comment' ) { push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'comments'} }, $value; } else { push @{ $tables{ $table_name }{'table_options'} }, $option; } } } 1; } opt_if_not_exists : /if not exists/i create : CREATE UNIQUE(?) /(index|key)/i index_name /on/i table_name '(' field_name(s /,/) ')' "$delimiter" { @table_comments = (); push @{ $tables{ $item{'table_name'} }{'indices'} }, { name => $item[4], type => $item[2][0] ? 'unique' : 'normal', fields => $item[8], } ; } create : CREATE /trigger/i NAME not_delimiter "$delimiter" { @table_comments = (); } create : CREATE PROCEDURE NAME not_delimiter "$delimiter" { @table_comments = (); my $func_name = $item[3]; my $owner = ''; my $sql = "$item[1] $item[2] $item[3] $item[4]"; $procedures{ $func_name }{'order'} = ++$proc_order; $procedures{ $func_name }{'name'} = $func_name; $procedures{ $func_name }{'owner'} = $owner; $procedures{ $func_name }{'sql'} = $sql; } PROCEDURE : /procedure/i | /function/i create : CREATE or_replace(?) create_view_option(s?) /view/i NAME /as/i view_select_statement "$delimiter" { @table_comments = (); my $view_name = $item{'NAME'}; my $select_sql = $item{'view_select_statement'}; my $options = $item{'create_view_option(s?)'}; my $sql = join(q{ }, grep { defined and length } map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : $_ } $item{'CREATE'}, $item{'or_replace(?)'}, $options, $view_name, 'as select', join(', ', map { sprintf('%s%s', $_->{'name'}, $_->{'alias'} ? ' as ' . $_->{'alias'} : '' ) } @{ $select_sql->{'columns'} || [] } ), ' from ', join(', ', map { sprintf('%s%s', $_->{'name'}, $_->{'alias'} ? ' as ' . $_->{'alias'} : '' ) } @{ $select_sql->{'from'}{'tables'} || [] } ), $select_sql->{'from'}{'where'} ? 'where ' . $select_sql->{'from'}{'where'} : '' , ); # Hack to strip database from function calls in SQL $sql =~ s#`\w+`\.(`\w+`\()##g; $views{ $view_name }{'order'} = ++$view_order; $views{ $view_name }{'name'} = $view_name; $views{ $view_name }{'sql'} = $sql; $views{ $view_name }{'options'} = $options; $views{ $view_name }{'select'} = $item{'view_select_statement'}; } create_view_option : view_algorithm | view_sql_security | view_definer or_replace : /or replace/i view_algorithm : /algorithm/i /=/ WORD { $return = "$item[1]=$item[3]"; } view_definer : /definer=\S+/i view_sql_security : /sql \s+ security \s+ (definer|invoker)/ixs not_delimiter : /.*?(?=$delimiter)/is view_select_statement : /[(]?/ /select/i view_column_def /from/i view_table_def /[)]?/ { $return = { columns => $item{'view_column_def'}, from => $item{'view_table_def'}, }; } view_column_def : /(.*?)(?=\bfrom\b)/ixs { # split on commas not in parens, # e.g., "concat_ws(\' \', first, last) as first_last" my @tmp = $1 =~ /((?:[^(,]+|\(.*?\))+)/g; my @cols; for my $col ( @tmp ) { my ( $name, $alias ) = map { s/^\s+|\s+$//g; s/[`]//g; $_ } split /\s+as\s+/i, $col; push @cols, { name => $name, alias => $alias || '' }; } $return = \@cols; } not_delimiter : /.*?(?=$delimiter)/is view_table_def : not_delimiter { my $clause = $item[1]; my $where = $1 if $clause =~ s/\bwhere \s+ (.*)//ixs; $clause =~ s/[)]\s*$//; my @tables; for my $tbl ( split( /\s*,\s*/, $clause ) ) { my ( $name, $alias ) = split /\s+as\s+/i, $tbl; push @tables, { name => $name, alias => $alias || '' }; } $return = { tables => \@tables, where => $where || '', }; } view_column_alias : /as/i NAME { $return = $item[2] } create_definition : constraint | index | field | comment | <error> comment : /^\s*(?:#|-{2}).*\n/ { my $comment = $item[1]; $comment =~ s/^\s*(#|--)\s*//; $comment =~ s/\s*$//; $return = $comment; } comment : m{ / \* (?! \!) .*? \* / }xs { my $comment = $item[2]; $comment = substr($comment, 0, -2); $comment =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g; $return = $comment; } comment_like_command : m{/\*!(\d+)?}s comment_end : m{ \* / }xs field_comment : /^\s*(?:#|-{2}).*\n/ { my $comment = $item[1]; $comment =~ s/^\s*(#|--)\s*//; $comment =~ s/\s*$//; $return = $comment; } field_comment2 : /comment/i SQSTRING { $return = $item[2] } blank : /\s*/ field : field_comment(s?) field_name data_type field_qualifier(s?) field_comment2(?) reference_definition(?) on_update(?) field_comment(s?) { my %qualifiers = map { %$_ } @{ $item{'field_qualifier(s?)'} || [] }; if ( my @type_quals = @{ $item{'data_type'}{'qualifiers'} || [] } ) { $qualifiers{ $_ } = 1 for @type_quals; } my $null = defined $qualifiers{'not_null'} ? $qualifiers{'not_null'} : 1; delete $qualifiers{'not_null'}; my @comments = ( @{ $item[1] }, @{ $item[5] }, @{ $item[8] } ); $return = { supertype => 'field', name => $item{'field_name'}, data_type => $item{'data_type'}{'type'}, size => $item{'data_type'}{'size'}, list => $item{'data_type'}{'list'}, null => $null, constraints => $item{'reference_definition(?)'}, comments => [ @comments ], %qualifiers, } } | <error> field_qualifier : not_null { $return = { null => $item{'not_null'}, } } field_qualifier : default_val { $return = { default => $item{'default_val'}, } } field_qualifier : auto_inc { $return = { is_auto_inc => $item{'auto_inc'}, } } field_qualifier : primary_key { $return = { is_primary_key => $item{'primary_key'}, } } field_qualifier : unsigned { $return = { is_unsigned => $item{'unsigned'}, } } field_qualifier : /character set/i WORD { $return = { 'CHARACTER SET' => $item[2], } } field_qualifier : /collate/i WORD { $return = { COLLATE => $item[2], } } field_qualifier : /on update/i CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $return = { 'ON UPDATE' => $item[2], } } field_qualifier : /unique/i KEY(?) { $return = { is_unique => 1, } } field_qualifier : KEY { $return = { has_index => 1, } } reference_definition : /references/i table_name parens_field_list(?) match_type(?) on_delete(?) on_update(?) { $return = { type => 'foreign_key', reference_table => $item[2], reference_fields => $item[3][0], match_type => $item[4][0], on_delete => $item[5][0], on_update => $item[6][0], } } match_type : /match full/i { 'full' } | /match partial/i { 'partial' } on_delete : /on delete/i reference_option { $item[2] } on_update : /on update/i CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $item[2] } | /on update/i reference_option { $item[2] } reference_option: /restrict/i | /cascade/i | /set null/i | /no action/i | /set default/i { $item[1] } index : normal_index | fulltext_index | spatial_index | <error> table_name : NAME field_name : NAME index_name : NAME data_type : WORD parens_value_list(s?) type_qualifier(s?) { my $type = $item[1]; my $size; # field size, applicable only to non-set fields my $list; # set list, applicable only to sets (duh) if ( uc($type) =~ /^(SET|ENUM)$/ ) { $size = undef; $list = $item[2][0]; } else { $size = $item[2][0]; $list = []; } $return = { type => $type, size => $size, list => $list, qualifiers => $item[3], } } parens_field_list : '(' field_name(s /,/) ')' { $item[2] } parens_value_list : '(' VALUE(s /,/) ')' { $item[2] } type_qualifier : /(BINARY|UNSIGNED|ZEROFILL)/i { lc $item[1] } field_type : WORD create_index : /create/i /index/i not_null : /not/i /null/i { $return = 0 } | /null/i { $return = 1 } unsigned : /unsigned/i { $return = 0 } default_val : /default/i CURRENT_TIMESTAMP { $return = $item[2]; } | /default/i VALUE { $return = $item[2]; } | /default/i bit { $item[2] =~ s/b['"]([01]+)['"]/$1/g; $return = $item[2]; } | /default/i /[\w\d:.-]+/ { $return = $item[2]; } auto_inc : /auto_increment/i { 1 } primary_key : /primary/i /key/i { 1 } constraint : primary_key_def | unique_key_def | foreign_key_def | <error> foreign_key_def : foreign_key_def_begin parens_field_list reference_definition { $return = { supertype => 'constraint', type => 'foreign_key', name => $item[1], fields => $item[2], %{ $item{'reference_definition'} }, } } foreign_key_def_begin : /constraint/i /foreign key/i NAME { $return = $item[3] } | /constraint/i NAME /foreign key/i { $return = $item[2] } | /constraint/i /foreign key/i { $return = '' } | /foreign key/i NAME { $return = $item[2] } | /foreign key/i { $return = '' } primary_key_def : primary_key index_type(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' index_type(?) { $return = { supertype => 'constraint', type => 'primary_key', fields => $item[4], options => $item[2][0] || $item[6][0], }; } # In theory, and according to the doc, names should not be allowed here, but # MySQL accept (and ignores) them, so we are not going to be less :) | primary_key index_name_not_using(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' index_type(?) { $return = { supertype => 'constraint', type => 'primary_key', fields => $item[4], options => $item[6][0], }; } unique_key_def : UNIQUE KEY(?) index_name_not_using(?) index_type(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' index_type(?) { $return = { supertype => 'constraint', name => $item[3][0], type => 'unique', fields => $item[6], options => $item[4][0] || $item[8][0], } } normal_index : KEY index_name_not_using(?) index_type(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' index_type(?) { $return = { supertype => 'index', type => 'normal', name => $item[2][0], fields => $item[5], options => $item[3][0] || $item[7][0], } } index_name_not_using : QUOTED_NAME | /(\b(?!using)\w+\b)/ { $return = ($1 =~ /^using/i) ? undef : $1 } index_type : /using (btree|hash|rtree)/i { $return = uc $1 } fulltext_index : /fulltext/i KEY(?) index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' { $return = { supertype => 'index', type => 'fulltext', name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0], fields => $item[5], } } spatial_index : /spatial/i KEY(?) index_name(?) '(' name_with_opt_paren(s /,/) ')' { $return = { supertype => 'index', type => 'spatial', name => $item{'index_name(?)'}[0], fields => $item[5], } } name_with_opt_paren : NAME parens_value_list(s?) { $item[2][0] ? "$item[1]($item[2][0][0])" : $item[1] } UNIQUE : /unique/i KEY : /key/i | /index/i table_option : /comment/i /=/ string { $return = { comment => $item[3] }; } | /(default )?(charset|character set)/i /\s*=?\s*/ NAME { $return = { 'CHARACTER SET' => $item[3] }; } | /collate/i NAME { $return = { 'COLLATE' => $item[2] } } | /union/i /\s*=\s*/ '(' table_name(s /,/) ')' { $return = { $item[1] => $item[4] }; } | WORD /\s*=\s*/ table_option_value { $return = { $item[1] => $item[3] }; } table_option_value : VALUE | NAME default : /default/i ADD : /add/i ALTER : /alter/i CREATE : /create/i TEMPORARY : /temporary/i TABLE : /table/i WORD : /\w+/ DIGITS : /\d+/ COMMA : ',' BACKTICK : '`' DOUBLE_QUOTE: '"' SINGLE_QUOTE: "'" QUOTED_NAME : BQSTRING | SQSTRING | DQSTRING # MySQL strings, unlike common SQL strings, can have the delmiters # escaped either by doubling or by backslashing. BQSTRING: BACKTICK /(?:[^\\`]|``|\\.)*/ BACKTICK { ($return = $item[2]) =~ s/(\\[\\`]|``)/substr($1,1)/ge } DQSTRING: DOUBLE_QUOTE /(?:[^\\"]|""|\\.)*/ DOUBLE_QUOTE { ($return = $item[2]) =~ s/(\\[\\"]|"")/substr($1,1)/ge } SQSTRING: SINGLE_QUOTE /(?:[^\\']|''|\\.)*/ SINGLE_QUOTE { ($return = $item[2]) =~ s/(\\[\\']|'')/substr($1,1)/ge } NAME: QUOTED_NAME | /\w+/ VALUE : /[-+]?\d*\.?\d+(?:[eE]\d+)?/ { $item[1] } | SQSTRING | DQSTRING | /NULL/i { 'NULL' } # always a scalar-ref, so that it is treated as a function and not quoted by consumers CURRENT_TIMESTAMP : /current_timestamp(\(\))?/i { \'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' } | /now\(\)/i { \'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' } END_OF_GRAMMAR sub parse { my ( $translator, $data ) = @_; # Enable warnings within the Parse::RecDescent module. # Make sure the parser dies when it encounters an error local $::RD_ERRORS = 1 unless defined $::RD_ERRORS; # Enable warnings. This will warn on unused rules &c. local $::RD_WARN = 1 unless defined $::RD_WARN; # Give out hints to help fix problems. local $::RD_HINT = 1 unless defined $::RD_HINT; local $::RD_TRACE = $translator->trace ? 1 : undef; local $DEBUG = $translator->debug; my $parser = ddl_parser_instance('MySQL'); # Preprocess for MySQL-specific and not-before-version comments # from mysqldump my $parser_version = parse_mysql_version( $translator->parser_args->{mysql_parser_version}, 'mysql' ) || DEFAULT_PARSER_VERSION; while ( $data =~ s#/\*!(\d{5})?(.*?)\*/#($1 && $1 > $parser_version ? '' : $2)#es ) { # do nothing; is there a better way to write this? -- ky } my $result = $parser->startrule($data); return $translator->error( "Parse failed." ) unless defined $result; warn "Parse result:".Dumper( $result ) if $DEBUG; my $schema = $translator->schema; $schema->name($result->{'database_name'}) if $result->{'database_name'}; my @tables = sort { $result->{'tables'}{ $a }{'order'} <=> $result->{'tables'}{ $b }{'order'} } keys %{ $result->{'tables'} }; for my $table_name ( @tables ) { my $tdata = $result->{tables}{ $table_name }; my $table = $schema->add_table( name => $tdata->{'table_name'}, ) or die $schema->error; $table->comments( $tdata->{'comments'} ); my @fields = sort { $tdata->{'fields'}->{$a}->{'order'} <=> $tdata->{'fields'}->{$b}->{'order'} } keys %{ $tdata->{'fields'} }; for my $fname ( @fields ) { my $fdata = $tdata->{'fields'}{ $fname }; my $field = $table->add_field( name => $fdata->{'name'}, data_type => $fdata->{'data_type'}, size => $fdata->{'size'}, default_value => $fdata->{'default'}, is_auto_increment => $fdata->{'is_auto_inc'}, is_nullable => $fdata->{'null'}, comments => $fdata->{'comments'}, ) or die $table->error; $table->primary_key( $field->name ) if $fdata->{'is_primary_key'}; for my $qual ( qw[ binary unsigned zerofill list collate ], 'character set', 'on update' ) { if ( my $val = $fdata->{ $qual } || $fdata->{ uc $qual } ) { next if ref $val eq 'ARRAY' && !@$val; $field->extra( $qual, $val ); } } if ( $fdata->{'has_index'} ) { $table->add_index( name => '', type => 'NORMAL', fields => $fdata->{'name'}, ) or die $table->error; } if ( $fdata->{'is_unique'} ) { $table->add_constraint( name => '', type => 'UNIQUE', fields => $fdata->{'name'}, ) or die $table->error; } for my $cdata ( @{ $fdata->{'constraints'} } ) { next unless $cdata->{'type'} eq 'foreign_key'; $cdata->{'fields'} ||= [ $field->name ]; push @{ $tdata->{'constraints'} }, $cdata; } } for my $idata ( @{ $tdata->{'indices'} || [] } ) { my $index = $table->add_index( name => $idata->{'name'}, type => uc $idata->{'type'}, fields => $idata->{'fields'}, ) or die $table->error; } if ( my @options = @{ $tdata->{'table_options'} || [] } ) { my @cleaned_options; my @ignore_opts = $translator->parser_args->{'ignore_opts'} ? split( /,/, $translator->parser_args->{'ignore_opts'} ) : (); if (@ignore_opts) { my $ignores = { map { $_ => 1 } @ignore_opts }; foreach my $option (@options) { # make sure the option isn't in ignore list my ($option_key) = keys %$option; if ( !exists $ignores->{$option_key} ) { push @cleaned_options, $option; } } } else { @cleaned_options = @options; } $table->options( \@cleaned_options ) or die $table->error; } for my $cdata ( @{ $tdata->{'constraints'} || [] } ) { my $constraint = $table->add_constraint( name => $cdata->{'name'}, type => $cdata->{'type'}, fields => $cdata->{'fields'}, reference_table => $cdata->{'reference_table'}, reference_fields => $cdata->{'reference_fields'}, match_type => $cdata->{'match_type'} || '', on_delete => $cdata->{'on_delete'} || $cdata->{'on_delete_do'}, on_update => $cdata->{'on_update'} || $cdata->{'on_update_do'}, ) or die $table->error; } # After the constrains and PK/idxs have been created, # we normalize fields normalize_field($_) for $table->get_fields; } my @procedures = sort { $result->{procedures}->{ $a }->{'order'} <=> $result->{procedures}->{ $b }->{'order'} } keys %{ $result->{procedures} }; for my $proc_name ( @procedures ) { $schema->add_procedure( name => $proc_name, owner => $result->{procedures}->{$proc_name}->{owner}, sql => $result->{procedures}->{$proc_name}->{sql}, ); } my @views = sort { $result->{views}->{ $a }->{'order'} <=> $result->{views}->{ $b }->{'order'} } keys %{ $result->{views} }; for my $view_name ( @views ) { my $view = $result->{'views'}{ $view_name }; my @flds = map { $_->{'alias'} || $_->{'name'} } @{ $view->{'select'}{'columns'} || [] }; my @from = map { $_->{'alias'} || $_->{'name'} } @{ $view->{'from'}{'tables'} || [] }; $schema->add_view( name => $view_name, sql => $view->{'sql'}, order => $view->{'order'}, fields => \@flds, tables => \@from, options => $view->{'options'} ); } return 1; } # Takes a field, and returns sub normalize_field { my ($field) = @_; my ($size, $type, $list, $unsigned, $changed); $size = $field->size; $type = $field->data_type; $list = $field->extra->{list} || []; $unsigned = defined($field->extra->{unsigned}); if ( !ref $size && $size eq 0 ) { if ( lc $type eq 'tinyint' ) { $changed = $size != 4 - $unsigned; $size = 4 - $unsigned; } elsif ( lc $type eq 'smallint' ) { $changed = $size != 6 - $unsigned; $size = 6 - $unsigned; } elsif ( lc $type eq 'mediumint' ) { $changed = $size != 9 - $unsigned; $size = 9 - $unsigned; } elsif ( $type =~ /^int(eger)?$/i ) { $changed = $size != 11 - $unsigned || $type ne 'int'; $type = 'int'; $size = 11 - $unsigned; } elsif ( lc $type eq 'bigint' ) { $changed = $size != 20; $size = 20; } elsif ( lc $type =~ /(float|double|decimal|numeric|real|fixed|dec)/ ) { my $old_size = (ref $size || '') eq 'ARRAY' ? $size : []; $changed = @$old_size != 2 || $old_size->[0] != 8 || $old_size->[1] != 2; $size = [8,2]; } } if ( $type =~ /^tiny(text|blob)$/i ) { $changed = $size != 255; $size = 255; } elsif ( $type =~ /^(blob|text)$/i ) { $changed = $size != 65_535; $size = 65_535; } elsif ( $type =~ /^medium(blob|text)$/i ) { $changed = $size != 16_777_215; $size = 16_777_215; } elsif ( $type =~ /^long(blob|text)$/i ) { $changed = $size != 4_294_967_295; $size = 4_294_967_295; } if ( $field->data_type =~ /(set|enum)/i && !$field->size ) { my %extra = $field->extra; my $longest = 0; for my $len ( map { length } @{ $extra{'list'} || [] } ) { $longest = $len if $len > $longest; } $changed = 1; $size = $longest if $longest; } if ( $changed ) { # We only want to clone the field, not *everything* { local $field->{table} = undef; $field->parsed_field( dclone( $field ) ); $field->parsed_field->{table} = $field->table; } $field->size( $size ); $field->data_type( $type ); $field->sql_data_type( $type_mapping{ lc $type } ) if exists $type_mapping{ lc $type }; $field->extra->{list} = $list if @$list; } } 1; # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where man is not nature is barren. # William Blake # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 AUTHOR Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>, Chris Mungall E<lt>cjm@fruitfly.orgE<gt>. =head1 SEE ALSO Parse::RecDescent, SQL::Translator::Schema. =cut