#!/usr/bin/env perl # vim: set ft=perl: # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2002-2009 The SQLFairy Authors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MAb # 02110-1301 USA. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME sqlt-diff - find the differences b/w two schemas =head1 SYNOPSIS For help: sqlt-diff -h|--help For a list of all valid parsers: sqlt -l|--list To diff two schemas: sqlt-diff [options] file_name1=parser1 file_name2=parser2 Options: -d|--debug Show debugging info -t|--trace Turn on tracing for Parse::RecDescent -c|--case-insensitive Compare tables/columns case-insensitively --ignore-index-names Ignore index name differences --ignore-constraint-names Ignore constraint name differences --mysql_parser_version=<#####> Specify a target MySQL parser version for dealing with /*! comments --output-db=<Producer> This Producer will be used instead of one corresponding to parser1 to format output for new tables --ignore-view-sql Ignore view SQL differences --ignore-proc-sql Ignore procedure SQL differences --no-batch-alters Do not clump multile alters to the same table into a single ALTER TABLE statement where possible. --quote=<character> Use <character> to quote all table and field names in statements =head1 DESCRIPTION sqlt-diff is a utility for creating a file of SQL commands necessary to transform the first schema provided to the second. While not yet exhaustive in its ability to mutate the entire schema, it will report the following =over =item * New tables Using the Producer class of the target (second) schema, any tables missing in the first schema will be generated in their entirety (fields, constraints, indices). =item * Missing/altered fields Any fields missing or altered between the two schemas will be reported as: ALTER TABLE <table_name> [DROP <field_name>] [CHANGE <field_name> <datatype> (<size>)] ; =item * Missing/altered indices Any indices missing or of a different type or on different fields will be indicated. Indices that should be dropped will be reported as such: DROP INDEX <index_name> ON <table_name> ; An index of a different type or on different fields will be reported as a new index as such: CREATE [<index_type>] INDEX [<index_name>] ON <table_name> ( <field_name>[,<field_name>] ) ; =back ALTER, CREATE, DROP statements are created by SQL::Translator::Producer::*, see there for support/problems. Currently (v0.0900), only MySQL is supported by this code. =cut # ------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Pod::Usage; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use SQL::Translator; use SQL::Translator::Diff; use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants; use vars qw( $VERSION ); $VERSION = '1.59'; my ( @input, $list, $help, $debug, $trace, $caseopt, $ignore_index_names, $ignore_constraint_names, $output_db, $mysql_parser_version, $ignore_view_sql, $ignore_proc_sql, $no_batch_alters, $quote ); GetOptions( 'l|list' => \$list, 'h|help' => \$help, 'd|debug' => \$debug, 't|trace' => \$trace, 'c|case-insensitive' => \$caseopt, 'ignore-index-names' => \$ignore_index_names, 'ignore-constraint-names' => \$ignore_constraint_names, 'mysql_parser_version:s' => \$mysql_parser_version, 'output-db:s' => \$output_db, 'ignore-view-sql' => \$ignore_view_sql, 'ignore-proc-sql' => \$ignore_proc_sql, 'quote:s' => \$quote, 'no-batch-alters' => \$no_batch_alters, ) or pod2usage(2); for my $arg ( @ARGV ) { if ( $arg =~ m/^([^=]+)=(.+)$/ ) { push @input, { file => $1, parser => $2 }; } } my $tr = SQL::Translator->new; my @parsers = $tr->list_parsers; my %valid_parsers = map { $_, 1 } @parsers; if ( $list ) { print "\nParsers:\n", map { "\t$_\n" } sort @parsers; print "\n"; exit(0); } pod2usage(1) if $help || !@input; pod2usage(msg => 'Please specify two schemas to diff') if scalar @input != 2; my ( $source_schema, $source_db, $target_schema, $target_db ) = map { my $file = $_->{'file'}; my $parser = $_->{'parser'}; die "Unable to read file '$file'\n" unless -r $file; die "'$parser' is an invalid parser\n" unless $valid_parsers{ $parser }; my $t = SQL::Translator->new(parser_args => { mysql_parser_version => $mysql_parser_version }); $t->debug( $debug ); $t->trace( $trace ); $t->parser( $parser ) or die $tr->error; my $out = $t->translate( $file ) or die $tr->error; my $schema = $t->schema; unless ( $schema->name ) { $schema->name( $file ); } ($schema, $parser); } @input; my $result = SQL::Translator::Diff::schema_diff( $source_schema, $source_db, $target_schema, $target_db, { caseopt => $caseopt || 0, ignore_index_names => $ignore_index_names || 0, ignore_constraint_names => $ignore_constraint_names || 0, ignore_view_sql => $ignore_view_sql || 0, ignore_proc_sql => $ignore_proc_sql || 0, output_db => $output_db, no_batch_alters => $no_batch_alters || 0, debug => $debug || 0, trace => $trace || 0, producer_args => { quote_table_names => $quote || '', quote_field_names => $quote || '', }, } ); if($result) { print $result; } else { print "No differences found."; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bring out number weight & measure in a year of dearth. # William Blake # ------------------------------------------------------------------- =pod =head1 AUTHOR Ken Youens-Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 SEE ALSO SQL::Translator, L<http://sqlfairy.sourceforge.net>. =cut