Revision history for Perl extension Text::Truncate.

1.05  2014-02-09
    - ILV has taken over maintenance
    - Added github repo to metadata and pod
    - Reformatted Changes according to CPAN::Changes::Spec
    - Added LICENSE file
    - Specified 'unrestricted' license in pod
    - Added 'use warnings'

1.04  2009-11-02
 	- re-added to CPAN after accidental removal

1.03  2005-06-26
	- README generated from Pod::Readme
	- minor updates to POD
	- uses Test::Pod::Coverage instead
          (thanks to Richard Clamp for pointing this out)

1.02  2005-04-04
	- fixed bug in Pod::Coverage tests
	- minor updates to POD and README

1.01  2005-03-29
	- added Test::Prereq to tests
	- added Test::Pod tests
	- added Pod::Coverage tests
	- minor cleanup of tests
	- uses Test::More
	- added SIGNATURE

1.00  2004-08-03
	- changes to handle undefined values
	- fixed tests
	- added Build.PL and META.yml to distribution
	- changed minimum version to 5.004
	- minor changes to POD

0.01  2002-11-22
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
		-X -A -v 0.01 -n Text::Truncate -b 5.5.0