(T: means the change to test suite)
Standalone installation, does not require that libPARI is installed;
use overload fixed;
(temporarily?) removed plotting support to simplify standalone install;
'defined ref' fixed;
listPari(tag) added;
import tags (:all and like :4) added;
DejaNews search: pari & math* &! leo* &! ftpadmin &! natarajan &! mutuel &! uucp &! ~g (muc.archive.* | soc.culture.* | sfnet.* | news.newuser*)
Pari-die-handler was using die() instead of croak();
pari_print, pari_pprint and pari_texprint implemented;
T: New test "Testout":
T: 168 tests of Testout report failure (not necessarily correctly ;-);
T: 133 tests are skipped;
after 0.5:
Prototypes added (121 not ok, 127 skipped);
gdivround, ifact added (122 not ok, 112 skipped);
Documentation brushed up;
Quickier switch inside loadPari;
T: Testout.t was transposing input/output matrices
(89 not ok, 106 skipped);
T: Testout.t: more filters (82 not ok, 109 skipped);
Chapter 3 of documentation converted to POD;
Problem with refcounting: when Perl code is called from PARI
loop constructs, avma changes under Perl feet... fixed;
Calculation of number of arguments of imported into Pari
function was wrong;
Prototype of Perl function consulted when importing into PARI;
Documentation brushed up;
after 0.6:
Emulated subroutines for missing interfaces added (77 not ok);
T: substitution 'fun(j=1)' to 'fun(j,1)' in testout (64 not ok);
Better conversion of chapter3 (index entries created, literal blocks);
T: Enable tests with print (75 not ok, 106 skip);
T: Massage tests with loops (84 not ok, 78 skip);
T: Massage floats on output to 16 digits (69 not ok, 78 skip);
T: Massage complicated matrix output, +tiny changes (45 not ok, 76 sk);
T: Yet more misc massage (29 not ok - most truely so, 81 skip);
4 classes of problems:
ker(matrix), pari_print inside fordiv, changevar, taylor
after 0.7:
T: settype was ok, so remove the code for skipping it (80 skip)
T: better filtering, print/multiline were busted (26 not ok, 73 skip);
changevar() added;
Access to vector elements via $v->[3] (0-based);
T: convert a[6] to $a->[-1+6]: (34 not ok, 37 skip);
minor improvements to chap3_to_pod (for chapter 4 ;-);
T: transposition tests converted: (34 not ok, 31 skip);
sentinel introduced, does not fix anything...;
T: had a workaround for forprime() instead of forvec() (33/31);
T: various improvements... (17 not ok, but segfaults on exit);
matrix() could have been called with the same variable for two
iterators (4 not ok/30 skip, but segfaults on exit)
T: move failing tests to will_fail.t;
after 0.8:
Hi-resolution plotting works if one has Term::Gnuplot v. 0.4,
one needs to call link_gnuplot() before doing this;
foncpari.pl now suggests the code for a missing interface (in simplest
interfaces for most functions added (except buch*, string and addhelp);
indirect variables (like PARIvar('x')) can be indexed like $x->[2];
T: Interactive plotting test added (ignored if no Term::Gnuplot);
Bug in libPARI/plotport.c corrected;
Minor changes to chap3_to_pod;