version: 0.16
date:    Thu Oct  6 11:32:14 EDT 2011
- Semi major refactor.
- Default of devel-local is pretty-print
- Refactor doc to put simple stuff first.
version: 0.15
date:    Fri Aug 19 15:30:37 EEST 2011
- Always add lib if present
- Only add blib if there is an .xs file in the dist dir.
version: 0.14
date:    Tue Jul 12 11:28:14 CDT 2011
- Switch ./.devel-local to more obvious ./devel-local
version: 0.13
date:    Sun Jul 10 01:09:23 EDT 2011
- Major rewrite/refactor
- Devel::Local::PERL5LIB and Devel::Local::PATH
- Allow 'use Devel::Local'
- Allow arguments
- Support ! and ? commands
- More documentation
version: 0.12
date:    Sun Jun  5 13:04:10 EST 2011
- Work on documentation
- Allow 'use Devel::Local' without die-ing.
- Use Stardoc and Module::Package
version: 0.11
date:    Wed May 11 11:16:11 EST 2011
- Fixed bug with : at end of PATH
- Fixed a doc typo
version: 0.10
date:    Tue May 10 22:38:27 EST 2011
- First Release