# This Changes log is JSONY!

- 0.1.13 'Thu Nov 20 14:43:11 PST 2014',
    'Apply PR #5. Doc typo.'
- 0.1.12 'Thu Nov 20 14:04:52 PST 2014',
    'Fix issue #3. Terminal comment w/o trailing newline.'
- 0.1.11 'Thu Nov 20 11:28:12 PST 2014',
    'Add a test for terminal comment'
- 0.1.10 'Sat Aug 16 13:57:08 PDT 2014',
    'Remove =travis'
- 0.1.9 'Sat Aug 16 11:20:57 PDT 2014',
    'Meta 0.0.2'
- 0.1.8 'Sat Aug 16 02:11:35 PDT 2014',
    'Eliminate File::Basename in test/'
- 0.1.7 'Fri Aug 15 18:28:50 PDT 2014',
    'Add t/000-compile-modules.t'
- 0.1.6 'Fri Aug 15 09:38:22 PDT 2014',
    'Fix github issue #2'
- 0.1.5 'Sun Aug  3 22:59:30 PDT 2014',
    'Remove (c) from Copyright'
- 0.1.4 'Mon Jul 21 16:30:12 PDT 2014',
    'Add grammar as submodule and share/ it'
- 0.1.3 'Mon Jul 21 13:53:16 PDT 2014',
    'Fix Meta and add Contributing'
- 0.1.2 'Mon Jun 16 15:56:21 PDT 2014',
    'Switch to manual VERSION and fix travis'
- 0.1.1 'Sat Jun 14 13:21:03 PDT 2014',
    'Switch to zilla-dist and badges'
- 0.1.0 'Mon May 19 15:27:51 PDT 2014',
    'Use new Pegex',
    'Switch to new repo format and release process'
- 0.0.9 'Sat Feb  8 19:38:58 PST 2014',
    'Switch to dzil',
    'Support 5.8.1+'
- 0.0.8 'Mon Jun 17 12:39:27 PDT 2013',
    'Change API to JSONY->new->load()',
    'Fix a bug with strings containing "true"'
- 0.0.7 'Thu Nov  8 10:44:25 PST 2012',
    'Use new Pegex-0.21'
- 0.0.6 'Tue Oct  2 23:07:55 JST 2012',
    'Fix boolean and floating points cpantesters failures'
- 0.0.5 'Sat Sep 22 14:09:49 PDT 2012',
    'Account for JSON::PP in tests'
- 0.0.4 'Wed Sep 19 19:33:01 PDT 2012',
    'Update docs',
    'Fix copyright year per supplicant++',
    'Require boolean.pm per cpantesters++ :)'
- 0.0.3 'Mon Sep 17 12:27:09 PDT 2012',
    'Change README'
- 0.0.2 'Mon Sep 17 12:18:51 PDT 2012',
    'Add specific versions to the prerequisite modules',
    'Support real double quote stings in grammar',
    'Support continuation lines in top level seqs'
- 0.0.1 'Thu Sep 13 12:29:33 PDT 2012',
    'First release.'