version: 0.24
date:    Sat Apr 30 23:12:28 PDT 2005
- Refactored -Base to once and only once
- Remove some cruft
- Got export algorithm working better
version: 0.23
date:    Sun Apr 17 19:01:11 PDT 2005
- Add a blank return to super
- Add the mixin method
version: 0.22
date:    Tue Jan 11 07:22:47 PST 2005
- allow new() to be called from object reference
- make -weak and -init work together
- add tests for -Base filtering
version: 0.21
date:    Wed Dec 15 04:40:46 PST 2004
- Get rid of spiffy_constructor altogether
- Don't use goto in super() anymore, due to irreversible changes in perl 5.8.6
- Generate custom fields base on input. The field function returns the
  generated code for debugging puposes. (Dave Rolsky)
- field supports -weaken and -init flags.
- Caching in all_my_bases to speed things up. (Chris Dent)
- Filtering now does strict/warnings, '1;\n', and private subs defined with
  'my sub ...'.
- Add -filter_dump and -filter_save options for filter debugging
version: 0.20
date:    Sat Jul 24 22:11:48 PDT 2004
- call super from eval
- -XXX implies :XXX
version: 0.19
date:    Sun Jul 11 01:41:38 PDT 2004
- mixin support
- don't export spiffy_constructor by default
- Don't export XXX stuff until -XXX used
- add support for roles and import lists with mixins
- super works with AUTOLOAD
version: 0.18
date:    Wed Jun  2 15:05:05 PDT 2004
- Allow 'use base' to work with Spiffy and non-Spiffy
- Allow DATA filehandle to work with source filtering
- Support @EXPORT_BASE
version: 0.17
date:    Tue May 11 17:09:00 PDT 2004
- Don't filter a file twice.
- Make super nestable.
- Data::Dumper support
version: 0.16
date:    Fri May  7 00:57:06 PDT 2004
- Added filtering
- fixed super
- overhauled documentation
version: 0.15
date:    Sun Mar 21 01:54:07 PST 2004
- Make parse_arguments work in scalar context
version: 0.14
date:    Sun Mar 21 01:54:07 PST 2004
- add support for field and const
- field -package Foo 'field1';
version: 0.13
date:    Sat Mar 13 09:13:01 PST 2004
- Works with base.pm
version: 0.12
date:    Mon Mar  8 11:34:57 PST 2004
- Foo::Bar->base;
version: 0.11
date:    Tue Mar  2 09:16:30 PST 2004
- Add super powers
version: 0.11
date:    Thu Feb 12 21:36:13 CST 2004
- Use Exporter to export things