package Spoon::Installer; use strict; use warnings; use Spoon::Base '-Base'; const class_id => 'installer'; const extract_to => '.'; sub compress_from { $self->extract_to; } sub extract_files { my @files = $self->get_packed_files; while (@files) { my ($file_name, $file_contents) = splice(@files, 0, 2); my $file_path = join '/', $self->extract_to, $file_name; $self->set_file_content($file_path, $file_contents); } } sub set_file_content { my $path = shift; my $content = shift; $content = $self->base64_decode($content) if $path =~ /\.(gif|jpg|png)$/; $content = $self->fix_hashbang($content) if $path =~ /\.(pl|cgi)$/; io($path)->assert->print($content); } sub fix_hashbang { require Config; my $content = shift; $content =~ s/^#!.*\n/$Config::Config{startperl} -w\n/; return $content; } sub get_packed_files { my @files = split /^__(.+)__\n/m, $self->data; shift @files; return @files; } sub data { my $package = ref($self); local $/; my $data = eval "package $package; <DATA>"; die $@ if $@; die "No DATA section found for $package." unless $data; return $data; } sub compress_files { require File::Spec; my $source_dir = shift; my $new_pack = ''; my @files = $self->get_packed_files; my $first_file = $files[0] or return; my $directory = $self->compress_from; while (@files) { my ($file_name, $file_contents) = splice(@files, 0, 2); my $source_path = File::Spec->canonpath("$source_dir/$directory/$file_name"); die "$file_name does not exist as $source_path" unless -f $source_path; my $content = $self->get_file_content($source_path); $new_pack .= "__${file_name}__\n$content"; } my $module = ref($self) . '.pm'; $module =~ s/::/\//g; my $module_path = $INC{$module} or die; my $module_text = io($module_path)->scalar; my ($module_code) = split /^__\Q$first_file\E__\n/m, $module_text; ($module_code . $new_pack) > io($module_path); } sub get_file_content { my $path = shift; my $content = io($path)->scalar; $content = $self->base64_encode($content) if $path =~ /\.(gif|jpg|png)$/; $content = $self->unfix_hashbang($content) if $path =~ /\.(pl|cgi)$/; $content .= "\n" unless $content =~ /\n\z/; return $content; } sub unfix_hashbang { my $content = shift; $content =~ s/^#!.*\n/#!\/usr\/bin\/perl\n/; return $content; } sub compress_lib { die "Must be run from the module source code directory\n" unless -d "lib"; my $source_dir = shift or die "No source directory specified\n"; die "Invalid source directory '$source_dir'\n" unless -d $source_dir; map { my $class_name = $_; my $class_id = $class_name->class_id; $self->hub->config->add_config( +{ "${class_id}_class" => $class_name } ); warn "Compressing $class_name\n"; $self->hub->load_class($class_id)->compress_files($source_dir); } grep { my $name = $_; eval "require $name"; UNIVERSAL::isa($name, 'Spoon::Installer') and $name !~ /::(Installer|Theme)$/; #XXX } map { my $name = $_->name; $name =~ s/^lib\/(.*)\.pm$/$1/; $name =~ s/\//::/g; $name; } io('lib')->All_Files; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Spoon::Installer - Spoon Installer Class =head1 SYNOPSIS =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 AUTHOR Brian Ingerson <> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2004. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See =cut