# Revision history for Perl extension only.

version: 0.21
date:    Sat Feb 22 14:46:08 PST 2003
  - Refactored the term "package" out of code. I was using it to mean
    distribution, but that clashes with Perl terminology.
version: 0.20
date:    Sat Feb 22 11:31:16 PST 2003
  - Now works on mswin32 (and cygwin)
  - Changed metadata schema. Not compatible with 0.10.
version: 0.11
date:    Fri Feb 21 13:36:11 PST 2003
  - Added a faux path to @INC when module can't be found, for purposes of the
    @INC dump. More understandable.
  - Test for error message
version: 0.11
date:    Fri Feb 21 09:24:09 PST 2003
  - Tests for Module::Build
  - Test for alternate installation versionlib
  - Test for alternate installation version
version: 0.11
date:    Fri Feb 21 08:34:02 PST 2003
  - Refactored the test suite. Generate the modules now. More Flexible.
version: 0.11
date:    Thu Feb 20 01:01:07 PST 2003
  - Split only.pm into only and only::install
  - Fixed Makefile.PL bug
  - Condensed versionarch to be relative from versionlib
version: 0.10
date:    Thu Feb  6 14:34:39 PST 2003
  - original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
    -b 5.5.3 -PAXn only