Revision history for App-p

0.0304  2013-02-10
        Fixed unicode issues for jd, xd, and yd.
        Thanks Stanislaw Pusep! (

0.0303  2012-12-28
        Made a huge performance boost to improve startup time. Modules such as
            File::Slurp, JSON, YAML and LWP are only loaded if needed.
        Use L instead of Class::Autouse to fix issue with loading DateTime.
            This used to not work: p 'S DateTime->today'
        Thanks Stanislaw Pusep! (

0.0302  2012-09-13
        Converted README.pod to markdown. This prevents installation of
        Thanks Tommy Stanton!

0.0301  2012-07-31
        xd should print results.
        Thanks Philip Durbin!

0.0300  2012-02-28
        Added support for LWP::Simple in place of IO::All.

0.0200  2012-02-28
        Added support for IO::All and IO::All::HTTP.
        Starting to use Pod::Usage.

0.0102  2012-02-10
        Fixed help docs for xd and xl usage. Thanks datamuc.

0.0101  2011-12-01
        Documented xml support.

0.0100  2011-12-01
        Added support for xml. Thanks Stefan Petrea!
        Added support for List::AllUtils.

0.0002  2011-09-28
        Fixed typos in docs.

0.0001  2011-09-28
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.