Revision history for AtomMQ
1.0100 2010-11-25
Generted feed now validates against
Added atommq_feed table. Now there are 2 tables total.
Entry and feed id's are now urn's
1.0000 2010-11-20
One AtomMQ server can serve multiple feeds.
Posting to a feed that doesn't exist will automatically create the feed
for you.
The feed name is no longer a param of the constructor. It is passed
in through the uri, e.g., /atommq/feed=widgets
Added a FastCGI section to the docs.
Made the PSGI example simpler in the docs.
0.0301 2010-11-19
Set AutoCommit and RaiseError DBI options to true.
0.0300 2010-11-19
Replaced dsn/user/password constructor params with db_info.
Added exception handling test for missing db_info param.
Updated default schema to use TEXT columns instead of VARCHAR.
0.0200 2010-11-14
Added auto_create_db option.
Added example sql for creating db table.
Fixed PSGI example.
0.0102 2010-11-14
Added directions for running AtomMQ in a PSGI environment.
Catch exception if db table creation fails.
0.0101 2010-11-14
Added more documentation.
0.0100 2010-11-13
Now using dbic instead of dbi.
Auto creating of db table should work for all db's supported by dbic.
0.0001 2010-11-12
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.