Revision history for Business::BalancedPayments
0.1300  2014-02-12
        Added confirm_bank_verification and create_bank_verification.

0.1201  2014-01-24
        Added support for unicode data.

0.1200  2013-12-27
        Added get_customer and create_customer methods.

0.1101  2013-12-19
        Made HTTP::Response exceptions stringable.
        Replaced Moose with Moo.

0.1100  2013-10-01
        Added support for setting the LWP::UserAgent timeout.

0.1000  2013-06-11
        Can now retrieve resources by uri (in addition to by id).

0.0900  2013-06-10
        Removed email requirement for creating accounts.

0.0800  2013-05-11
        Added create_debit method.

0.0100  2012-07-20
        Added update_bank_account and invalidate_bank_account methods.