Revision history for Net-OpenStack-Compute

1.0700  2012-02-28
        Added support for RAX auth.
        Added support for server resize and reboot actions.

1.0601  2012-02-13
        Unicode output no longer issues a warning.

1.0600  2012-01-27
        Added support for setting server's admin password.
        Added aliases for subcommands in oscompute.

1.0500  2012-01-19
        Added support for server rebuild.

1.0401  2012-01-17
        Fixed the parsing of the create image response.

1.0400  2012-01-14
        Can now show or delete a server by name in oscompute.

1.0302  2012-01-03
        Added token() and base_url() methods.

1.0301  2012-01-03
        Forgot to add App::Rad::Plugin::MoreHelp dep.

1.0300  2012-01-02
        Added single letter abbreviations for CLI commands.

1.0200  2011-12-29
        Added support for flavors.

1.0102  2011-12-28
        Display private ip's if public ip's are missing.

1.0101  2011-12-28
        Added App::Rad dep.

1.0100  2011-12-28
        Adding support for images.

1.0001  2011-12-22
        Fixing POD generation for oscompute.

1.0000  2011-12-22
        Major interface changes for oscompute command line tool, inspired
            by git's command line tool.
        Added Auth module.

0.0001  2011-09-28
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.