Revision history for Net-Rackspace-Notes

0.0101  2010-09-13
        * Updated pod and README to correctly reflect the new usage.
        * Users can now just provide their email and not their password in the
          config file. Then they will only be prompted for their password when
          they run racknotes.
        * Config::General is no longer a dep.

0.0100  2010-09-12
        * Removed MooseX::Declare sugar.
        * Prompt users to enter login info if ~/.racknotes is missing.
        * Use App::Rad and treat first element in ARGV as a command.
          - Now it's racknotes add --subject=foo instead of racknotes --add=foo

0.0002  2010-09-11
        * Minor change to Makefile.PL

0.0001  2010-09-11
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.