Revision history for Acme-CPANAuthors
0.12 2010/09/25
- added ToBeLike to the list.
- bundled Parse::CPAN::* alternatives to cut off antlers.
0.11 2010/09/20
- oops, forgot to update dependencies
0.10 2010/09/20
- use Try::Tiny for better trapping
- added several modules to the subordinate modules list
- launched a new api server to fetch kwalitee data as json.
no need to scrape kwalitee pages anymore
0.09 2009/08/23
- added Arabic and German to the subordinate modules list,
and rearranged the list a bit.
- added a reason why I wrote this
- added a tentative workaround to t/03_extra.t. hope this works...
0.08 2009/04/21
- added more lists to the pod
- added $VERSION to the ::Utils not to break installers (RT #43388)
0.07 2009/02/19
- added 'look_for' method and its test
- added a list of Acme::CPANAuthors:: modules to the pod
0.06 2008/11/01
- removed CPAN::Config dependency (RT #40560 by Slaven Rezic)
- try to find CPAN sources via CPANPLUS configuration too
0.05 2008/10/27
- skip extra gravatar test if is not properly configured
0.04 2008/07/14
- bumped up the version req of Parse::CPAN::Authors to 2.27
- try harder to find 01mailrc file when there's a local CPAN
mirror in the urllist of CPAN::Config
0.03 2008/05/30
- "What's actually broken is Parse::CPAN::Authors 2.26" release
- tentatively skip a test if Parse::CPAN::Authors 2.26 is loaded.
0.02 2008/05/22
- "YAPC::Asia 2008 hackathon" release
- made Acme::CPANAuthors::(Specific)->authors context sensitive.
- better cpan config loading
0.01 2007/12/26
- ported from former Acme::JapaneseCPANAuthors (not released)